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Question by Robert: looking for information on pagan blood rituals ?
this ritual would involve the exchange of blood between two people (a man and a woman). this would be more of a sexual as well as a binding rite or ritual. I have inquriers out to all the BDSM groups I’m a member of so that might help as well. like I said it would be more of a pagan rite I believe, but really not sure . so any information and possibly a web addy to go along would be great. also looking for where I might find a cermonial blade to preform the ritual as well, it would have to be a blade with a real edge because I plan on cutting the skin to draw the blood.

Best answer:

Answer by angk
You’d probably want to approach more outlined temples than a general ritual. There are a number of vampiric/semi-Satanist temples that would practice or know about such rituals; I’d look to groups of that sort rather than a generalized pagan ritual.

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2 Responses to looking for information on pagan blood rituals ?

  • merlinmx5 says:

    Any ritual dealing with a blood offering is seen as a “powerful” connection in most if not all religions. However it is one that you would definitely need to think through fully before you even want to begin. Such things as which religion, why is this necessary, who is it with, who is it for, why is this important. Are just a start to the questions you need to answer. I being a pagan myself, do not lightly suggest one to go into these rituals until you have done much, much more research. If done wrong, while not leaving a permanent mark upon the conscience, does leave a lasting impression on yourself.

  • cityguynice says:

    A Pagan blood ritual is any ritual that involves the intentional release of blood.

    A common blood ritual is the blood brother ritual, which started in ancient Europe and Asia. Two or more people, typically male, intermingle their blood in some way. This ritualizes bringing the people together into one family in a symbolic way. Obviously this is an unsafe practice where blood-borne pathogens are concerned.

    Body piercing can also be part of a blood ritual. Though piercing does not always cause bleeding, it certainly can. Piercing has been practiced in a number of indigenous cultures throughout the world, usually as a symbolic rite of passage, a symbolic death and rebirth, an initiation, or for reasons of magical protection.

    Blood rituals often involve a symbolic death and rebirth, as literal bodily birth involves bleeding. Blood is typically seen as very powerful, and sometimes as unclean. Blood sacrifice is sometimes considered by the practitioners of prayer, ritual magic, and spell casting to intensify the power of such activities. The Native American Sun Dance is usually accompanied by blood sacrifice.

    Some blood rituals involve two or more parties cutting themselves or each other followed by consumption of blood. The participants may regard the release or consumption of blood as producing energy useful as a sexual, healing, or mental stimulus. In other cases, blood is a primary component as the sacrifice, or material component for a spell. In the Christian tradition, for instance, the blood of Jesus Christ was required for mankind to remove sin.

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