Most people seem to find this version it’s good if you like to listen to tsuki no kaasu but i made the movie to the kareoke version so have a look at that one too cause it fits better. Named Ristuka-Loveless-Soubi Music downloaded from: www.gendou.com Music: Tsuki no Kaasu (opening to Loveless) Anime: Loveless AMV by: Miaowee
thank you! I love this song!
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I hate all animes … nah jk XD
but I hate that:
they always make the hot guys gay or taken :((.. and even worse, they make them an cartoon! ..
@yuna1987 It’s not called ‘gay anime’.. It’s ‘Yaoi’ or ‘Shunon-Ai’^^
@MultiMotherteresa Well you could try anime44 com, anilinkz com, animefreak tv, onepiceofbleach com…… And many others xD
(you cant write websites as comments on youtube so thats why the dots are missing)
where can I watch the anime online I cant find it anywhere D:
@SweetKimimaro yeah it is only thing is if u read the manga it goes into a part the anime doesn’t its the part to where Soubi and Ritsuka go to seven voices academy and Semei returns when he’s suppost to be dead.
@SweetKimimaro too bad itìs totally uncompleted! D:
And theres not nearly enough of hte Zeros in The anime. haha
in the description you misspelled Ritsuka-Loveless-Soubi lol
I hated it how the anime ends without any of the major manga plot being revealed.
gay anime?
i love the song thou~
you should read the mangas. they go further than the anime. while I encourage people to buy the books, they are available on most manga scan website.
there’s only 12 episodes right?
i watched them all but i want to see more.
doesn anyone know if there is going to be more i mean if they will make more?
still a kewl anime even though its shonen ai
why is this better than the original?
i still dont get why did they dint want to continue on season 2 of this awesome anime
it kaasu
@JinxieKittyKat It’s Okina Reika who sings this song.
Who’s the artist who sings this awesome song??!
This is coolest AMV I’ve ever saw of ‘Loveless’~~!
Love Animes they are awesome
que esta chido
Whenever I see something form loveless all i can think is “haha Soubi…”