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Y gwyr Yn Erbyn Byd was asked to Perfomr this 2006 Mabon for a Local Community effort Group know as TERRA ( Tacoma Earth Religions Revival Association ) We had a Wonderful Time, A great Turn Out and Many new firends!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In this video I show how to make soy wax candles at home. I buy the wax here: The written version of this video is at: Blessed be! Neo

26 Responses to Mabon Ritual Performed By Y Gwyr Yn Erbyn Byd

  • elphaba568 says:

    the man singing with her is Willie Nelson… 🙂

  • idefypunk says:

    Viva Tacoma!

  • GROOVEY1969 says:

    i dont get it,what is going on here.whats this about?

  • Enchantedspellcast says:

    Wonderfull. Brightest Blessings )O(

  • blondeone1963 says:

    It is willie nelson on harmony

  • Thepheonix777 says:

    u might want to work on singing on harmony together but the rest is beautiful!!! bb

  • steev75 says:

    nice video – does this have anything to do with the cerddorion? this link came up when i searched for it you see….. i was wondering if you knew anything about it or any rituals that i might do to become one of the cerddorion? im not sure if its something that still exists

    thanks for posting this )0(

  • ladyaset says:

    Thank you for sharing! That was wonderful 🙂

  • robmabon says:

    hello, what was the mabon ritual?

  • kwicca says:

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful celebration. Blessed be

  • JBInc2002 says:

    What a beautiful song and such great pictures!! Thanks for posting!!

    Blessings to you and yours!

  • elspeth013 says:

    It is Willie Nelson

  • steev75 says:

    aw wow what a beautiful ritual, the alter looked lovely. im assuming you are welsh cos the name in the title is welsh isnt it? does anyone know how i might do a ritual to become with the cerrdorion?

    blessed be )0(
    lovely song too. tq for posting

  • DragoNPhoenix says:

    The Artist is “Kimmie Rhodes” the Titile is “Love me Like a song” unfortunately I do not have information on who is doing the duet with her! Glad you are enjoying our Videos and You tube! Thank you for watching our little contributions to Deity fo all ! Blessings!

  • 76firedragon says:

    Beautiful images. What’s the name of this song and who’s singing?

  • errrrrm says:

    Looks like you all had a lovely day

  • DannieRush says:

    Thoroughly enjoying your candle making series. Not many suppliers for spell candles in the UK but with these videos I can make my own. Yay!

  • ShoryoTombo says:

    This is so educational and helpful. Your website is amazing and I can not wait to begin my project. It is so hard to find a gold and silver candle to purchase for my altar. And when I do find them, they are costly. So…. this video and the your site will be very helpful. Thank you so much!
    Blessed Be )O( (5 stars by the way!)

  • CometArmagon says:

    This is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Neopagan2007 says:

    Cool and thanks!

  • Neopagan2007 says:

    I don’t see a problem with it being in an air conditioned room. I use liquid dye because it is easier to control the color.

  • Neopagan2007 says:

    No, I haven’t yet. I do have some beeswax I use to make salves. I would guess it would probably have a problem with it sticking to the mold. I plan on experimenting with it soon and when I do I will do a video about it.

  • caseyjooherown says:

    This was really cool of you to share.
    I have never made a real candle before but i have melted the Candle wax down put picts. into the empty candle jars and put the pretty wax into it. LOL i even named them candle pits.

  • caseyjooherown says:

    Thats a good qustion!

  • raphael3712 says:

    Have you ever tried bee’s wax? If so, are there any problems you’ve encountered?

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