Magic of Making Up Book – Read This Before You Buy It!
When you buy The Magic Of Making Up there are three sections. Each section comes in a PDF format:
1. The Magic Of Making Up – This is the main plan. 2. The Clean Slate Method – This is a blueprint for asking for forgiveness. 3. Mind Magic – These are extra ideas for getting your ex back.
The Magic Of Making Up – What’s inside…
There are 62 pages and 8 chapters in the Magic Of Making Up. The e-book begins with an introduction and summery of 4 steps for getting your ex back: 1) Understand 2) Get Our Head On Straight 3) Assess 4) Work The Plan.
T.W. Jackson emphasizes that nothing will happen if you take the information from The Magic Of Making Up and then do nothing with it.
Chapter 1 -Understanding Why Your Relationship Ended (And Why It’s Not Over Just Yet).
T.W. Jackson explains in general terms what underlying needs men and women have in a relationship with the opposite sex. You learn each sex has very different needs. When a man or a woman doesn’t get what they need from their partner it causes tension that often leads to a breakup. By being aware of these needs you will be sure to deliver when you do get your ex back.
Chapter 2 -Don’t Panic – Your Key to Winning Back Their Love (Getting Your Head On Straight).
In this chapter T.W. Jackson explains why it is so important not to act on your raw emotions and how to keep them under control. Toward the end of the chapter he introduces you to the “Fast Forward Technique” It uses a series of unique questions geared for someone experiencing a breakup. This powerful technique helps to put the mind at ease through all the turmoil.
Chapter 3 – Removing The Splinter In Your