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Magic of Making Up Review

Magic of Making Up Review

“Magic of Making Up,” is an ebook that was written by some guy named T.W. Jackson, who prides his expertise in relationships with being a military child who moved from place to place and had to learn how to get along with many different kinds of people.

He claims that what he had written in this ebook can help to “get your ex back,” if that is your desire. He gives two video presentations on the different techniques and DO’s and DON’Ts on how to get your ex back – what to say and what you shouldn’t say to have them return your phone call in the first place.

This ebook has sold over 10,000 copies and there are many testimonials on his website of happy readers who have used his technique to get their ex back.

This book is for someone who probably has just broken up and wants to see if they can sincerely mend their relationship. The book has a nonsensical way to resolve conflicts in a relationship; practical methods on finding out what is your mate’s desire and how you both can meet your individual desires with less conflict as well as learning about each other’s gender based on experience.

Some of his methods are very unconventional and possible controversial as well. He rambles on in few instances of different chapters. He is very in depth and bold about sensitive topics. Some of them may make you blush. He speaks much in a male tone, but does sensitize the woman in a lot of cases.

On Page 13 of the book, Jackson shows some fast techniques on how to get rid of the initial pain of the break up. On Page 5, he talks about the importance of sex and

Pages: 1 2 3

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