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of Making Up System!

What is the Bonding Secert?  The Bonding Secret so powerful that is partially responsible for the reason hostages sometimes bond with their kidnappers or oppressors (Stockholm Syndrome). This is relationship magic. It is undetectable, unnoticeable and 99.99% of the human population can not defend against it, let alone tell you how it is done. Like ANYTHING, this can be used for good or bad. Once you own The Magic Of Making Up you will possess the power to REBOND or BOND with anyone. Please use responsibly!

How about Sex? When you should have sex during the reconciliation process. Both men and women get this completely wrong. Guys you will speed up the process immensely armed with this information. Ladies, most of you nearly destroy your chances because you sleep with him too soon. Get the Magic of Making Up System!  What foods toy with your emotions and what foods help put you in balance. Putting your relationship back together is hard enough, make sure you are eating foods that will help you.*Decisions you should actually put off until you are back together. Get the Magic of Making Up System!

What is the Fast Foraward Technique? *How to use the Fast Forward Technique to overcome hang ups you may have with dieting, exercise, self esteem and other challenges that stem from negative feelings.*Recapture the romance you had when love your love was new. Impossible? Not once you learn the magic of Pattern Breaking and you stir in a dose of the techniques in Chapter 4. Get the Magic of Making Up System!*

Ladies, this is for you: if you follow the advice in Chapter 6, he will NOT be able to get you out of his mind – (It’s just the way men are wired.)- He will start calling you again and you will be

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