it is not a faith to anything adobe is just a tool that talented people and creative like you could make something amazing like a carpenter uses hammer and saw to make a fancy decoration but i should say so far your work in split screen was impresive good story
So very close- but I feel you all have a little too much faith in Adobe After Effects. No blue screen, no post effects- it’s simply a split screen with rehearsed movement. Absolutely no post effects.
they have not used green screen keying just cropping and lining up the layers and maybe they have used wand clone stamp tool after effect it can be done in few methods but they have done it pretty cleaver it is not easy in longer duration to match up the back ground and environmet objects or set up keys for each frame in clone stamp tool short but good work effective
dupicate layers in multi layer composited after the guy puts the box then the next hand guy with the box is from different footage but same foreground and background is croped and lined up probably after effect final cut or adobe premiere they have used cloning
lol nice vid
nice video editing
looks very convincing!
well they could have had a guy behind the table reaching his arm up then turn
i am seriously sick of this question now…
it is not a faith to anything adobe is just a tool that talented people and creative like you could make something amazing like a carpenter uses hammer and saw to make a fancy decoration but i should say so far your work in split screen was impresive good story
So very close- but I feel you all have a little too much faith in Adobe After Effects. No blue screen, no post effects- it’s simply a split screen with rehearsed movement. Absolutely no post effects.
they have not used green screen keying just cropping and lining up the layers and maybe they have used wand clone stamp tool after effect it can be done in few methods but they have done it pretty cleaver it is not easy in longer duration to match up the back ground and environmet objects or set up keys for each frame in clone stamp tool short but good work effective
dupicate layers in multi layer composited after the guy puts the box then the next hand guy with the box is from different footage but same foreground and background is croped and lined up probably after effect final cut or adobe premiere they have used cloning
banana not ammused. :/
Close enough, but the box isn’t a still- the arm actually passes through it.
recorded with someone on oneside then a still of the box just there then cut the videos in half and put them side beside
????????? ???? ???
????????????? ??? copy and paste
??????????? ???????
? ??????????? ? if this b*tch
??????? ??????
??????????????? wasted your time
I know how he did that! He used magic!
Freakin cheater…
What program did you use for that?
Nice vid man
yo dude wtf
lol It wasn’t that hard to pull off…I think it would harder for me to be annoying and stupid. I challenge myself!
He should be annoying nd stupid but he managed to pull it off, exelent
… what the… freaking awesome
We made about 20 versions- but it all became just a little too ridiculous …which I now regret because those videos get all the views haha
Simple trick but effectively done with humour ^^
what the world.
that was funny