Woman 2 Man!! =O
Video Rating: 1 / 5

A man (David Beeler) releases a genie (Tom Konkle) and the genie must fulfill one wish.
Woman 2 Man!! =O
Video Rating: 1 / 5
A man (David Beeler) releases a genie (Tom Konkle) and the genie must fulfill one wish.
-Blank Stare-
lol awsome
damn….. :))))))
lol. thanks!
Hot ending
I second that!!!
‘oh i see my card has burned in the manisfestation’ lolathon!!!!!
We had a great time making this film… I was the DP/Camera Operator…
Hahaha. niceee.
Lmao! “Oh My God…”
lmao poor jeanie
lol that genie/smurf thingo talks like my friend brett does when hes being sarcastic.
Okaaaaay back! LOL