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Magic Spells For Beginners

A magic spell is essentially a ritualized method of focusing the mind to help achieve a particular purpose. The key to spell craft is to decide what you want to achieve by concentrating on the appropriate image or words. In white magic, many of the magic spells that are cast are beneficial in purpose. White witches have been known to work such magic when it is perceived to be for the greater good.

To cast a magic spell successfully, you must not only believe that the spell can work but also you personally can make the change happen. To achieve a successful result through your Magic spell craft it is important to focus clearly on the outcome you want.

Visualization is really important: try focusing on a photograph of a landscape, noticing all the details in the photographs, such as the shape of the trees. Once you feel confident that you know the picture well, tear the photograph in half. Put one half on the table in front of you and try to visualize the other half. Another advanced exercise is to try visualizing a piece of fruit. Use all your senses – see the fruit, touch it, smell it and eat it, hear the crunch as you bite into it.

The following magic spell is a traditional one, noted in several texts on magic. It incorporates cord magic and the magic number 9.

Try it. You need to first state out loud what your aim is, for instance, a new job. With a cord long enough to be knotted 9 times, say the following words and make the knots in the following pattern, still concentrating on the successful outcome of your desire:

By knot of one, the spell’s begun
@ _______________________
By knot of two, it cometh true
By knot of three, so mote it be
By knot of four, power I store
By knot of five, the spell is alive

By knot of six, the spell is fixed
By knot of seven, events I’ll leaven
By knot of eight, it will be fate
By knot of nine, what is done is mine

The following charm was very popular for revealing your future lover:
Good St. Thomas, do me right
And bring my love to me this night,
That I do look him in the face
And in my arms make him embrace.

There are many other fascinating magic spells for beginners and charms and there are some chants, candle magic, manifesting magical power, house blessings, some ethics and advices for magic lovers and can be found extensively on the net.

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