strained into the bathtub; or else a cloth baggie full of herbs is mashed through the bathwater to add whatever magic powers it shall. Sometimes an individual remains in the bath for a set amount of time – I’ve actually noticed no difference myself to come of which amount – and it is generally considered important to wet or pour water on the head. Some persons with brittle hair complain of this step, yet it’s such a consistent instruction in magic spells for hoodoo baths that it seems to be essential. To the brittle-haired: – use a better conditioner!
Myself, I was not initially too fond of baths for spiritual purposes and magic spells. The ever-helpful Lucky Mojo site was the place from where I first learned of them, and the instructions there tend to indicate that one should bathe at dawn, pouring the water over one’s head a set number of times accompanied by a psalm or statement of the magic spells intent, at which point one must collect a basin of the water and carry it to a crossroads where it is to be thrown towards the rising sun, as the spellcaster is stating the desired intent. I normally found no effect whatsoever from these baths. I gavel up on religious bathing as a waste of resources, till I decided to try it without all the extra steps. That was my turning point – I imagine my trouble had been the complexity of the ritual timing and disposal was a distraction to my magic. Once I did off with them, I found baths to work so much better – such that now, like a Santero, they’re often my first inclination for personal works.
Talia Felix is the force behind where she offers fortune telling, magic spells and occult supplies and books. love spells, powerful love spells, love spell, psychic, magick, voodoo, black magic, stop divorce, psychic reading, psychic readings, money spells, beauty spells, easy love spells Love spells that work easy love spells powerful love spells for love stop divorce relationsh…
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