Magic Tricks Revealed: How To Recover The Name Which Has Been Burned To Ash
This simple to learn yet powerfully mesmerizing illusion will have them wondering if you have some secret connection to the world of the undead. This up close trick is perfect for bars, parties or anywhere people gather together to have fun.
Here’s how the illusion looks to the audience. You elicit the help of a participant, anyone you choose. If you happen to be in a bar, and want to make an impression on a lady, this is a great way to get her phone number. Otherwise, anybody you want to choose is fine.
You get them to think of a single word. It can be anything. Being more creative and outlandish will only help you. If it’s a girl or a guy you’re after, you can get them to think of their phone number. Some other things they can write is the name of their favorite spice, or their first grade teacher, or anything else you can think of.
Then you hand them a small notepad, and a pen. You tell them to write the name of whatever it is they have thought of on the notepad. Then have them show the rest of the crowd, and you can stand back so they don’t think you are trying to peek. Then they crumple the paper up, put it in an ashtray, and then burn it to ash. Then you reach over, get some of the ash on your fingers, and then rub across your forearm. By the powers of black magic and your psychic powers of projection, whatever they wrote on the paper will not be spelled out on your forearm, in ash. Without question, they will be powerfully impressed.
Here’s the trick. Of course, you’ll need a ball point pen and small pad of paper. You will also need a small container of dish soap. You can also use a tube of chap stick or other lip balm. Make sure you give them a pen that has a ball point. When they are showing whatever they’ve written to their friends, you quickly read the impression which should have been made on the pad. This is why you need a ball point pen. A felt tip won’t push through enough, and won’t leave an impression.
Now you quickly dab the tip of your finger into the lip balm or the dish soap, and rapidly write the word or number onto your forearm. Obviously, you’ll need to do some misdirection. You can tell the audience that they need to memorize the word with great care, and then focus on it with all their might, or something similar.
Then when you get some ash from the burned paper and rub it on your arm, the word will magically stand out, as the ash will naturally stick to the dish soap or the lip balm. They will be impressed, an a few may ask for more tricks, and if you want a particular girl’s phone number, well, you’ve got it.
To rapidly and easily learn powerfully impressive illusions that will quickly have you at the center of attention at every party or social gathering, head on over to magic tricks revealed today.
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