Magick 101 – What is Magick Really About
What is magick really about?
Why do I practice magick? What does it mean to practice magick?There may be many reasons for practicing magick, but these are my personal reasons for doing so. I’ve always used these abilities since I was very young, even before I started school. Like the time I felt as if I needed to eat certain flowers. I knew which ones to eat, and which ones to stay away from. Did you know the center of a daisy is made up of hundreds of little yellow florets? I thought it was just one single part of the flower, until the day I ate a daisy. Gods! It was so awesome! I still stand in awe at the awesomeness of creation. Just like a child, and I’ve felt that way for what seems like forever.
I used to lie on the grass and stare at the sky, and wonder about things. Most times I fell asleep, and woke up hours later. It was refreshing to sleep so close to Mother Earth. I suspect it is one of the reasons I love being around nature. The things in nature speak to me the way no person ever can. Gods, I miss lying on the ground looking up at the sky or lying on my stomach and just watching everything around me, while I commune with nature. I spent a great deal of time in the mountains when I was growing up. I miss that. I even managed, to a certain extent, to do that after I got married. It was hard, but once in awhile I did manage. I believe the Universe arranges for us to get what we need when we decide that we want it. Or maybe just need it. Regardless, I’m back in the mountains now.
We do create our own ‘brand’ of reality, but at the same time, the Universe does co-create with us. We send out, and she sends it back to us…the thing we ask for. In other words, be careful what you wish for. This genii we