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have inside us, just may give us more than we bargained for. We all, including me, need to be more specific about the things we desire. As an example, I said to the Universe that when I have kids, I want to have only girls. I suppose you are curious as to why it makes a difference. Because I always thought raising girls would be easier. I grew up with brothers, so I knew how that was, already. And that is exactly what I got. I did have one miscarriage, which would’ve been a boy. At the time I didn’t know that, but what I did know was that I didn’t need another child at that time, and said so; later that evening, I had the miscarriage. No, I didn’t take anything or do anything stupid, I just let my feelings be known to the Universe, who honored my erstwhile statement. Yeah, I know that many will think that’s horrible. But think on this, which is worse? To have a child that you’re unable take care of, or to tell the Universe the truth and say that you don’t need another child right now? We don’t have to accept what we don’t want or need. We do have to accept the lessons we came here to learn. But you have to believe that in order to put it to use.

What use is knowledge if you don’t use it? It’s not enough, for instance, to ask for a car. We need to be specific as to what kind, model, year, color, and what accessories are included. This is also true of the person we want in our lives. This also covers  where we want to live, what kind of environment we want to live in,  and every thing else in our lives.

Speaking of which, we should also take it down to the lowest common denominator. Why do we want what we’re asking for? Once you get down to the answer to the last ‘why’, then we should know what we really want.

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