represents feminine centered Pagans. Other symbols that are used in Wiccan Jewelry are the Wheel of the Year with eight spokes and the Witch’s sign, which is used to mark ritual tools.
The emblem of Seax-Wicca which symbolizes the sun, moon and the eight holy days and Hecate’s wheel, an ancient Greek symbol also is used by certain practitioners of the religion. The seven pointed Elven Star is also used by followers of Celtic style Faery Wicca.
Asatru symbols as well as symbols from African and Native American cultures as well as ancient Hindu and Greek symbols are also used in Wiccan jewelry. Other themes for jewelry are female deities, male deities, Stonehenge, witches and wizards, Tree of life, Gothic Cross, Dragon and Fairy designs, Viking Axes and Shields, Viking Ships, Runic Horses, Bat wings, Tetragrammaton, Triquetra, Chakra wheels, Ravens, and Cat symbols.
Tarot card designs such as the Moon, the Sun, The Star and the World as well as the signs of the Zodiac (Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, etc.), are very popular when used in traditional Wiccan jewelry.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Wiccan jewelry here:
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