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have their supporters in contemporary governments doing research into PSI-War technology.

To return from our digression, however, certain tribes of the Dayaks eventually came up with a most powerful creation that gave them a virtue beyond their wildest dream: Olaau Bintaakng. This was the pinnacle of their ilmu, or occult knowledge and only a few people were able to master it. Those who had this oil and its power were usually uninterested in acquiring other forms of Ilmu Kedigdayaan. The oil would also have certain psychological effects on their minds and alchemically transmuting personal characteristics such as cowardice into bravery. The fear of death is here mitigated by the power of the oil.

The Star-oil is manufactured by the shamans of the tribe and because of the difficulty in its production it is sold at a steep price; it is for this reason that most clients and consumers of this oil are rich members of the community. Its origin and formula is not known as the Dayak shamans are secretive in this matter. Very little outsiders know about the existence of this oil and most that do know consider it as “old wives’ tales.”

This oil can be said to offer some sort of physical immortality–but on a temporary basis if the weakness and limitation of this ilmu or power is known by one’s enemies. The method of defeating someone who is a Star-Oil Master is to vanquish him and them immediately separate his body parts and bury them in different locations. Only in this manner will he be permanently immobilized; otherwise, he would just revive in the middle of the night when the stars are out and resume his physical life. No matter how badly injured, bruised, wounded, and killed in an accident or war,

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