Question by Randi: makeout questions? is it magical??? please help!!?
can making out lead to sex? i like a guy who is 17 and im 14. we met 7 months ago at church. he said we can only be friends with benefits because of age difference. so we were planning to kiss. and makeout. but caN makeout lead to sex? and is making out magical? i never kissed a guy before
Best answer:
Answer by Brooke
dont do it. it will lead to sex! you are too young
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it rele depends! does he turn u on alot? email me if u need more advice
making out ALWAYS leads to sex.
Yes. It can be magical.
Kissing/Making Out with someone you really like it and who likes you back can be magical. The problem is I don’t think it is fair of him to say that because of the age gap you can be friends with benefits…you could be boyfriend and girlfriend without sleeping together! I think he is using you for the benefits, leaving him free for other girls who he can sleep with.
I am sorry if this sounds harsh and upsets you but your first kisses should be magical and should be with someone who respects you.
Wait for the right guy to come along!
PS Making out can lead to sex… but if you decide to make out with him anyway make sure you set boundaries, tell him you don’t want to go any further and stop as soon as you feel uncomfortable!
Good luck! xx
Yes… making out CAN lead to sex, then lead to pregnancy, then possibly hard feelings, then……. I shutter the thought of how this could end up! Him telling you that you two CAN ONLY be friends should tell you something right there… no committment! Hon, this would be a mistake on your part (I can see it so clearly). So you and he kiss and make-out…. then it leads to sex, then what? Not only would you be left holding the bag, but a broken heart as well; not counting possibly an “unwanted pregnancy”. Hon, you have plenty of time for this… please don’t mess your life up, or the lives that will possibly be involved!