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Making Up 101 – is There a Magic Formula to Making Up?

Have you just had another fight with your significant other? We all know how awful we feel after fighting with our partner and many times wish it did not happen in the first place. Depending on the couple, the amount of conflict will vary. We think that couples that may rarely fight are lucky. Honestly, luck has nothing to do with it. These couples put into practice, consciously or not, the actions that create a strong, loving relationship. You wish you could be more like that – less fighting and more loving. Well, the good news is that you can be more like that, not over night or with the snap of your fingers, not even with some magic making up spell. Let’s look at how you can rebuild your relationship after a lover’s quarrel.


If you are unable to communicate effectively with each other, there is little chance you will be able to develop a strong relationship with each other. Communicating effectively means you listen to the other person, you respect the other persons thoughts and views, and you participate. Okay, I can hear all the guys out there groaning and all the gals out there rolling their eyes (I have very sensitive ears to hear the rolling). Guys – you have to get over that silent-and-listen-only mode you turn on when communication occurs. I apologize in advance to all the guys that are good communicators – maybe you could tutor your buds that need the help. Guys, communication does not hurt. Start with short and simple sentences and work up from there. Ladies – give the poor guy a chance to speak (referring to the ladies that unconsciously dominate the conversations) and even help them get started. It might sound like I am making a mockery of communication, but that is far from the

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