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truth. To build a strong relationship with each other, you need to come to terms with the opposite sex and the communication strengths and weakness both have. Honestly guys, once you get the ball rolling, you will do just fine.

Space is Ace!

Quickly trying to get passed the fight is not the path to take. All you do is set yourself up for the next fight. Time and space is extremely important after a fight. You need time to think and mull over the latest conflict in your head. So do they! And just because you think you are ready to move on, they might not be ready. Give the other person time to realize what has happened and all they may lose because of their actions. As I said above, we feel bad after we fight, even while we are angry. We are pulled in one direction to remain angry and at the same time pulled in another direction to be sensitive. Letting go of the negativity can only come about with time. Rushing the resolution of emotions will only expedite the next round of storms!


Most of the time, the reasons behind the fight are in part brought on by BOTH people. In “fight mode” you are upset, angry, heated, you get the idea. Well chances are the other person is too. And thus, the spit is flying, and the “fault meter” is red-lining. Now that you have both calmed down and had some time to think, it is time to calmly resolve your differences. Ya right! That is easy to say, and extremely hard to do! Guess what, you have to do it and if you truly want to build a strong relationship, resolution is key. Swallow your pride and accept your part in the whole thing. This is not the time for blame, rather it is the time you both accept responsibility. A positive outward attitude will

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