Get Adobe Flash player Freemasonry is the oldest and largest fraternal organization, or Brotherhood, in the world. Its members are joined together by shared ideals, of both a moral and metaphysical nature, and, by a common belief in a Supreme Being though not necessarily a belief in a common Supreme Being. Freemasonry uses an initiatory system of degrees, or morality plays, to teach lessons of, and explore ethical and philosophical issues surrounding, the moral principles Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. In these degrees, the observer knows beforehand nothing of what will happen. Freemasonry therefore often refers to itself as a beautiful system of morals veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. -Utah Grand Lodge-
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Supernaturalism and Metaphysics. Randall Niles shares a glimpse of the Omni-Natural World of Extra-Dimensionality. Physics and Metaphysics are not mutually exclusive. Scientific discovery implores us to follow the observational evidence, no matter what the destination. Antony Flew, a British philosopher, Oxford professor and leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century, said it best: “My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato’s Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.” Well, at age 81, Flew honestly followed the evidence and renounced his atheism, concluding that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. He declared, “A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature.” For me, logic screamed that someone (or something) was responsible for life. Now, I couldn’t go back. To be intellectually honest with myself, I had to go forward and discover who (or what) caused everything that I see. It could be God… it could be Mother Nature… it could be UFO’s — but it was something in the realm of metaphysics… Please visit to discover more in the area of physics and metaphysics. Also, go to to watch more videos discussing the realities of naturalism and supernaturalism!
Video Rating: 3 / 5

10 Responses to Masons Channel 2 part

  • barteiler says:

    Greetings from Frankton Lodge #607

  • zeppelinesque says:

    A better-than-usual examination by the media…glad to see it!

    Greetings from Prince of Wales Lodge No. 630, Toronto, Canada.

  • Godzarmy says:

    Greetings and Welcome

  • Godzarmy says:

    Greetings Brother

  • lntngstrikes says:

    Greetings from D.C. Cregier No. 81 in Illinois!

  • jlechem says:

    Hello from Bonneville Lodge #31

  • matThaHatter says:

    #1A scared and dying old man who calls out for god on his death bed has 0 effect on the validity of science. #2The whole point of the scientific method is separate things into category’s, which are basically explainable, reproduceable data that can be reliably duplicated, and things which are not yet explainable or reliably reproduceable. It’s not for or against anything.(how can a PROCESS be against something anyway

  • AlfvenKlein says:

    Einstein explained gravity as a geometrical property of four dimensional space-time. It turns out that you can explain other forces by geometry as well, if you add more dimensions.

    But, this is a mathematical construct. No one knows what these dimensions are, if they even exist.

    Just because there might be dimensions that we don’t know anything about, does not give people free reign to make up things that they supposedly “contain”.

  • brandonjayl says:

    no, you don’t know what your talking about. Subatomic is small, but it doesn’t make up another demension. Electrons don’t shrink out of sight in quantum physics, they jump into unknown, unmeasurable places (dementions).

  • braino2000 says:

    I really like all of your videos!! You make me think! Very interesting segments you have

    Good luck with this and God bless!


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