giving a show during bassnectar set the homie miguel recording!!!!!!!!!!! roln ballz lol…. mosh pit in the background
Video Rating: 5 / 5
steel city’s own Certified did it again, along side aj crouse, jinx beatz and w. majik filmz this rock/rop mix is the craziest this\ng to hit the steel in a long time. hip hop aint dead bitch it lives in steel city.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
dirty fuckin song, shit is way to amping, a.j fuckin anihilates da hook man way to insane!
sick get this shit on i tunes
wow thats a dope tight beat
this is really great.
you guys are awesome.
keep up the good work.
way ta go bro keep it up tell your bro i said hi take care b
propz on tha video guys, sick track
woooooohhh GO DAD
song and video were fucking awsome..good work man
this is a sick song
Love the video guys. Great track.