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On an average a married couple has sexual union two or three times in a week or more. The reason is not always to conceive but just plain pleasure. Imagine if a guy ejaculates two or three times per session of love making can you understand the loss of energy and health this guy undergoes in the name of love and pleasure. Let’s do a bit of mathematics of potential loss of energy.

One ejaculation = 500 million sperms (500 M human beings if each reaches an ovum)

Three ejaculations = 3 x 500 M sperms

Total = 1500 million sperms (1500 M human beings if each reaches an ovum)

What a waste!

Let’s continue with the mathematics…

In one love making session 1500 M sperm cells are lost what about three sessions in a week. Keep your calculator ready…

One session = 1500 M sperms

Three sessions = 3 x 1500 M sperms

Total = 4500 million sperms (4500 M human beings if each reaches an ovum)

My! My! All this energy ends up on tissues or bed sheets. What a catastrophic event!

The alchemist and healers have commented that one drop of semen is equal to vital power in hundred drops of blood. In other words it takes hundred drops of blood to make a drop of semen. Can you imagine how taxing it is to the body to make and replenish the supply of semen? No wonder people melt up and look old before their time. While others retain youthful looks all life around by following the Heaven principle.

The Heaven Principle Revisited… 

The Heaven Principle states that all sexual energy should be conserved!

No pleasure

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