Meaning Of Each Tarot Card
The Major Arcana refers to the most divine form of beauty among all the other tarot cards. In addition, the Major Arcana also refers to the highest possible symbolism in its own.
The Sun
The Positive qualities are joy, achievement, energy, academic success, children, vitality, and health.
Negative attributes are relationship blues, autism, hypersensitivity, allergies, delayed happiness, failures.
The Moon
The Negative qualities are escapism, illusion, deception, secretive, insincerity, dishonesty, desperate, trickery.
The Star
The Positive qualities are spiritual love, renewal, fulfillment, confidence, hope, inspiration.
Some Negative attributes are rigidity, obstinacy, self doubt, unhappiness.
The Devil
If the card is upright, it represents materialism, conflict between spiritual/creative fulfillment and security, hoarding money, frustration, lust, oppression, carnal craving, and self knowledge.
If reversed it means avarice, overleaping ambition, evil, exclusive focus on material success, and abuse of authority.
Adaptability, balance, harmony, management, diplomacy, maturity, coordination, placidity, cooperation are the positive qualities when the card is upright.
Instability, fickle ways, restlessness, physical stress, conflict, imbalances, failure at multitasking, poor judgment, volatility are the negative traits if the card is reversed.
Upright card means new beginnings, alterations, change, transformation, end of episodes.
Reversed card signifies