Meaning of silver charms and the celebrities who wear them
One of the most fascinating and timeless pieces of jewellery is the charm bracelet. Made popular by Queen Victoria more than one hundred years ago, the bracelet has dipped in and out of fashion but is now a must-have fashion accessory again. But what do the charms mean, and which celebrities wear them now?
Charms have been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Egyptians who believed an ankh would provide good luck and ward off disease, to the Irish belief in the four-leaf clover.
Some of the early charm bracelets of the 20th century give us an insight into the social mood at the time. Popular charms and their meanings include:
A heart – love.
A heart with an arrow through it – in love.
A horseshoe – luck.
Four-leaf clover – luck.
Money bags – wealth.
Double horseshoe – luck.
Wishbones – luck.
It could be argued that despite their popularity, all of these “lucky” charm bracelets don’t have any effect – if they did, surely lucky charm makers could simply put a lucky dip on the lottery and retire later that week – but it’s the fun and carelessness that make charm bracelets fun to own and build upon. It’s a carefree representation of our personalities that make them such popular accessories. There is also a common theme through these charms – luck. The hope that a charm can bring us luck gives us an optimism that no other type of jewellery can give us, one that brings a smile to our face as well as others.
Just as Queen Victoria made charm bracelets fashionable more than 100 years ago, it could be argued that today’s celebrities have helped bring charm bracelets back into fashion. Several celebrities known globally wear charms that are meant to boost their luck. One of the
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