most famous wearers of charms is 37-year-old Cameron Diaz, star of “There’s Something About Mary”, who wears a charm around her neck to stop the causes of aging. As well as Diaz, talk-show host Oprah Winfrey wears charm bracelets regularly, and actress Mary Kate Olsen wears a charm bracelet adorned with animal charms.
Recently, charm bracelets have also been used by celebrities in a variety of ways. Five years ago, pop-star Victoria Beckham joined forces with Jemima Khan, Matthew Williamson, Damien Hirst and Sienna Miller among others to design charms for a Cancer Research UK charm bracelet. Charm bracelets have also been used for personal gain, as Britney Spears sells her owned branded charms and charm bracelets. As well as re-entering the world of fashion, charm bracelets have also entered the mainstream media, with Mariah Carey naming her album “Charmbracelet” back in 2002.
Do not be fooled into thinking that because that the majority of the celebrities named in this piece are relatively young, and be misled that charm bracelets are something for the young generation. One of the best things about charm bracelets is that they can be worn by anyone and for any reason – to reflect your personality and your hobbies, to try and bring you luck, or just because the colour matches your outfit. Charm bracelets are back, and are here to stay.
Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For unique silver jewellery, he recommends Seriously Silver, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of Silver Jewellery .
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