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The Thoth Tarot Princess of Disks is the last card of the deck, the earthy part of earth, – malkuth, but Crowley brings out something more. She is illumined from below by a golden light, so she is at the top, not the bottom; reinforced by the downward pointing lance with the diamond (symbol of Kether) at the bottom. Beyond the forest of trees we see the Great Pyramid of Gizeh and part of the constellation of Draco, the Dragon.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

4 Responses to Meaning of the Princess of Disks Thoth Tarot card

  • PaulHughesBarlow says:

    @TarotMichael You have to take into account the dictum that the highest is in the lowest. Technically the Aces are to do with the Court Cards, not the Minor. Crowley clearly connects the Aces with the Princesses – neither have a zodiacal relationship, unlike the other Court Cards.

    The Aces are the root of the element, not the element itself.

  • TarotMichael says:

    @PaulHughesBarlow I’m with you in this video – she’s really about going to the next level and is already at the beginning. I didn’t realize how high up she is, but I initially placed her higher than the 10D because she’s [@ least] the Throne for the Ace of Discs. I was under the impression the Ace is the highest card in its suit, so the Throne would at least be second highest.

  • PaulHughesBarlow says:

    @TarotMichael 10D is in Malkuth, while the Princesses reside around the Pole Star, and it could be that in the GD system, the Pole Star is above Kether. She is also associated with the Great Work, which is to do with the Holy Guardian Angel. Its up to you where you place her…

  • TarotMichael says:

    Whew, I knew she was higher up the scale than that!

    Now I don’t have to write back to my certification examiner and say, “When I said the Ten of Discs – Wealth (Mercury in Virgo) was the lowest card in Thoth Tarot & if we were playing Euchre with this deck any card could take it. Well it’s not the lowest actually, so mea culpa!”

    Now is the 10/Discs the lowest card or was that mistep anyway?

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