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So many subscribers have asked how they can channel their guides, higher self or higher light extra terrestrial beings. The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine talk you through a Meditation-Vision Quest which they describe as a stepping stone to meeting the higher dimensional beings. Magenta Pixie channels the Nine via direct voice channeling for this and not automatic writing. Music By Kevin Macleod. Kind thanks to “Catzmagick Productions” for editing this video. To view this video with Spanish subtitles see you tube user Savitri5000

This is from the soundtrack to the movie Vision Quest as performed by Journey
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Meditation – Meet Your Guide Or Higher Self

  • deadheadkenny says:

    @GwnElise15? & theiceman74 – when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

  • marinefrenzy says:

    It worked for me, my higher self showed me an image of him being sniped at from atop a building, and falling a horrible death. I heard his yells. It was beautiful to be shown this. Thank you for showing me. Now I understand why I’ve been terrified of heights my entire life. I have been shown understanding. This was beautiful.

  • EvolvingCaveman says:

    Hi there. If you like this, you might like my book at evolvingcaveman ‘dot’ com
    It’s a kind of guide to navigate future human evolution. I’ve described it in my video.

  • smoothjamskillmoure says:

    @zugarpies you mean we look like a flying saucer or an alien? even rock falling to the earth is known as a UFO, and so are unregistered planes, just so you know.

  • spiritwarrior320 says:

    @theiceman74 yes relax what Ido is say, I have no where to be but right here. O.K Know you have quited your mind use your imagination. Now picture yourself looking strait away and you will start to see an image. When you have seen the shape start to take place. Come closer and say hello to God. remember show no fear your with God and God is light. nothing to fear. Peace

  • theiceman74 says:

    i dont get it….is this imagination or what? am i supposed to imagine a higher being?? or just sit on my chair and wait?

  • theiceman74 says:

    @GwnElise15 me too…it’s annoying,

  • artberry says:

    @mmariebored I think basically the Christ consciousness is the idea we are all aspects of God. IOW we are all God. OTOH organized religion seeks to control by denying our deity, IOW the deity of the Son of man, human beings thus separating people from this consciousness. This is of course is a massive deception and could perhaps be best described as the spirit of the anti-Christ.

  • lovehopefaith1000 says:

    @fean77 thx for clearing that up

  • lovehopefaith1000 says:

    @mmariebored read my response below. christ does not refer to jesus. its a universal term. google it.

  • lovehopefaith1000 says:

    @BooeyHogue christ consciousness , the “Christ” part does not refer to jesus christ. its a universal term of higher consciousness.

  • ninjatoothpaste says:

    It’s nonsense, but it’s relaxing nonsense – I think so long as we don’t succumb to mystical beliefs that undermine science and reason and recognize the potential to be really chilled out by mumbo-jumbo then all is well. With that said I’ma contact my higher self through the bong meditation…

  • bloodsythesharp says:

    I saw christ himself dressed in rags, and he told me that i was using too much me’s in my talk, and about higher consciousness he sad he is that himself!!
    and he didnt walk he just teleported to my seat!!
    I could also feel a great tingle in my heart!!!

  • Bulby93 says:

    @BooeyHogue I agree so much it puts me off too

  • JezusSlave says:

    ” …There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.” Deuteronomy 18 :9-12

  • GwnElise15 says:

    I didn’t see anything.
    Why is that?

  • BooeyHogue says:

    I have a question for any who may be in comm with their “higher” self than I might be. Does this aspect of oneself feel pain (suffering), anxiety, sorrow, and the like? Or is that aspect more of a nature of objective witnessing without drama and emotionality? Asked another way – is this higher aspect “cold” in attitude/nature? Is that what I might want to look for or expect? Thank you in advance to anyone who might like to respond to this.

  • BooeyHogue says:

    @MagentaPixie2012 Thank you for that. Yes, there is much in the bible which, I suspect, was written for manipulation purposes. It has occurred to me that it would be interesting to write a program which parsed the bible text for only that which was (supposedly) spoken by the man referred to as “Jesus”. I’m a retired software engineer but too burnt out on it to do it myself. If anyone else takes on that project (should be simple actually) I’d appreciate knowing about it.

  • fean77 says:

    @BooeyHogue “christ” comes from a greek word which was hijacked by selfproclaimed christians to refer to Jesus (which name incidentally is also incorrect) exclusively. The word christ does not belong exclusively to fundamentalist christians or their limited concept of the messiah and may refer accurately to the awakened spirit within matter.

  • buckEARTHQUAKE says:

    hey hey wat is the name of that video ??

  • kazadomz says:

    My first home made movie is uploaded at my profile now! It`s a beautyfull Creative And helpfull movie – to help humans get awareness about a dominating illusion, that imprison humans so em can get aware, to so step around it so em can generate pure energi and understand why em feelt bad and why others do and will simpely understand how to feel good and why other do its simpel TAKE a LOOK if YOU do LIKE to 🙂 Namaste <3

  • baker5561 says:

    im jus begining to find out about akashic readings and spirit guides and what not but have done meditation before this state of conciseness u must access to do all this, does it feel kinda like daydreaming and im having trouble picturimg stuff in my head the only thing ive seen is a white door lookin portal but i cant enter it (atleast not yet) all the help u can give is appreciated

  • BooeyHogue says:

    remove what is not real, what is imagined, and I uncover what’s real.

  • BooeyHogue says:

    thank you for this video

  • HeavenlyBlessings777 says:

    why do i have trouble meditating i star to visualize then it stops

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