allow yourself to touch the face of your soul in this meditation on Shiva. Gracias Gracias Amor Thank you thank you love meditation, shambhala, emotional intelligence, vipassana, mindfulness, astrology, i ching, numerology, tarot, awareness, buddhism, yoga, gnosticism, taoism, hinduism. dreams, dreaming, advaita, zen, Vedanta, non-duality, nonduality, non-dualism, non-dual, shaman, Sufism, awakening, enlightenment, conscious, consciousness, kundalini. shaman, shamanism, tantra, peaceful warrior, chaos theory, bodhisattva, bodhi, bodhi tree, spiritual, spirituality, spiritual path, shaolin, dharma. karma, theosophy, ju jitsu, judo, aikido, aikijitsu, kung fu, tai chi, gi gong. sacred geometry, unconditional love, Christ consciousness, maha leela. prayer, dzogchen, shamanism, shaman, prayer, guru, spiritual teacher, diamond heart, enneagram, the elements, yoga, lucid dreaming. astral projection, healing, hypnotherapy, mysticism, mystic, meditation, Tibet, Tibetan, Indian, India, chanting, bhajans, satsang, kirtan, pendulum. divination, tarot, crystals, crystal, amethyst, quartz, rose quartz, meditate, shamballa, nirvana, Samadhi, Category: Education Drunvalo Melchizedek New Mayan Calendar 2012 Ascension Nibiru Galactic Alignment Annunaki Nefilim Giant Skeletons Human Angel
Nicki is an author and teacher in the fields of metaphysics, shamanism and healing. Her work combines energetic healing techniques with shamanistic principles to provide integrated and balanced healing and growth processes. Deities and totems assist in this transformative work. Nicki has been visiting Egypt since 1978, and utilizes her intimate connection with that pantheon to catalyze deep and profound experiences for those who study and travel with her. She currently gives lectures and seminars internationally, and specializes in spiritual tours to Peru, Egypt other sacred power centers. Nicki’s most recent book is “Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine.” Underlying her work is the pledge to help in the healing of Mother Earth through recognition and honoring of All Our Relations. Nicki strives to fulfill her commitment by assisting others to recognize their inherent wisdom and power. Private sessions are available in person or by phone. Sessions include physical healing, spiritual counseling, totem allies, reclaiming your soul, and oracular healing. Call for appointment or to learn more about what these sessions offer at (800)937-2991 or (541)484-1099 To see and order Nicki’s books, “Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine.” and “Power Animal Meditations: Shamanic Journeys with Your Spirit Allies”, and her tapes and CDs, go to her website at: www.ShamanicJourneys.com or for further …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
wonderful…….delighted you liked the show…..thanks again for commenting…..we really appreciate it…….love and blessings….bh&e…..
Nicky is great master & Allan, you transformed to Bear at that moment. Enjoy the show very much and feel the resonance of the infinite….
and thanks to you for commenting….we really appreciate it…..yes…..nicky is amazing……you also might want to subscribe to the bridging videos as there are many more you’d really like already available and more on the way…….thanks again……love and blessings…..bh&e…..
Nicky Scully is a magnificently Resonant being.
I only feel this from a very very tiny % of people….. i am learning all i can from her…..
so glad you liked the show…..not sure if nicky’s a vegan……we really appreciate your commenting….you might also want to subscribe to the bridging videos as there are many more you might really like already available and more on the way…..thanks again…..love and blessings….bh&e…..
“Whether they know it or not?” That’s convenient…
The power of “intention,” or the simple fact that if you ask enough people for a dime, you’ll eventually gather spare change. “Manifestation” seems like a fancy way of accepting the results of one’s actions.
Psychic surgery? I’m trying to get it… I really am.
Why Egypt? Why a land of slavery and misery and pharaohs who believed themselves to be gods?
I liked the rainbow peoples’ song…
Is Nicki Scully a vegan at least?
so glad you liked the show…..we really appreciate your commenting….you might also want to subscribe to the bridging videos as there are many more you might really like already available and more on the way…..thanks again…..love and blessings….bh&e…..
i have read 3 of nickys cully books and they are fantastic the visualisations and guide really conect you with guides and healer spirits and neters.thank you
so glad you liked the show…..we really appreciate your commenting….you might also want to subscribe to the bridging videos as there are many more you might really like already available and more on the way…..thanks again…..love and blessings….bh&e…..
ive just read nikki’s “Alchemical Healing” its a wonderful read and has many powerful healing tools and insightful knowledge,,, gratitude goes to such a masterful teacher and healer..
Man, I love these music videos! Where and when did they come about and what channel on TV can you find stuff like this!
there is no rule….it’s different for different people…..or those particular attributes may not come at all….meditate to meditate….not for any particular reaon…..thanks for commenting…..you might also want to subscribe to the bridging videos as there are many more you might really like already available and more on the way…..thanks again…..love and blessings….bh&e…..
how long do you have to meditate before you start getting results such as physical healing and meeting your spirit guides
so glad you liked the show…..thanks for reaching out to us…..love and blessings…..bh&e….
I saw this program, it was fantastic