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Question by goosey1172002: Metaphysical baby shower gifts? I am looking to get a gift that fits the mothers interests.?
My cousin is having her first child soon and for a shower gift, my mom and I want to get her something unique and fitting to her interests. She is a tattoo artist who reads tarot from her shop and has always been interested in healing stones, and all things metaphysical. The nursery is being done in sun and moon theme with stone insets in the walls if it gives any indication of what I am looking for. We are going to get her a regular clothing or whatever gift as well, but want something that she will really find neat and certainly unique. Any help is appreciated!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Brigitte
I say some totally cool clothes that will flatter her post baby body.
Also check out some weird toy sites, I think she would appreciate interesting toys for the kid.

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5 Responses to Metaphysical baby shower gifts? I am looking to get a gift that fits the mothers interests.?

  • Crowfeather says:

    crystal to hang in her babies window so rainbows dance around the room as the sun hits it
    Sage to burn
    a cool baby quilt to hang on the wall
    mothers milk tea
    a tape with nature sounds for baby nap time rain or forrest sounds

  • Raven says:

    The only thing I can think of would have to wait until the baby is born because you need the exact time & date of birth. You can have the baby’s birth chart done. It will show where in the zodiac all the planets and such were positioned at the time of the child’s birth. There are websites that will make them for you, but I have no idea what they charge. I gave away all my books & charts a long time ago, or I’d offer to do it. For now you could get a protection charm to hang on the wall in the baby’s room. Another option is the Native American Dream Catcher to hang above the baby’s crib. They trap bad dreams and only allow good ones through, then when hung in the sunshine the next morning, all the bad ones are destroyed.

  • Lady Aqua Moon says:

    As I am into the same thing she is, I suggest a triple goddess pendant for her to wear or perhaps a pagan baby outfit you can buy online. They have some really cute things.

  • Silver says:

    If you are interested in metaphysical presents for your friend, check out this great site that I found. It has a huge variety of tarot cards, as well as other accessories (pendulums, boxes, books, etc).

  • lou g says:


    Here is a link to a cool product called a Blessing Bowl for Baby. Here is a blurb from the website about what a Blessing Bowl is:

    What is a Blessings Bowl? A beautiful bowl that holds written acknowledgment of the blessings in your life. The most meaningful gift you’ll ever receive, the Blessings Bowl is a gift of gratitude, a way to connect with our spirituality, a customized gift that celebrates life’s blessings.

    Here is the link:

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