PublishedJuly 11, 2010
You are henceforth choosing to enter into only the most wonderful situations… and thus you will be experiencing the most wonderful results! Your subconscious mind is now becoming fully aware of the infinite abundance of excellent opportunities to enjoy epic wealth within all areas of your life. Within the next seventeen days a miraculous opportunity to create or enter into a positive agreement, collaboration or creative financially rewarding project of some kind may be offered to you. In response to the offer you will make one of the most brilliant, logical and rewarding decisions of your life thus far. You and every fiber of your existence is now aligning itself to assure that you will be entering an infinity of wondrous, life improving opportunities to exponentially expand all levels of love, luck, happiness, health and wealth within your life, now and forever. BONUS: Audio Attraction Amplifier Music: “Entranceicus-Infiniticus” by CHROMATICUS. Available at Apple iTunes. Additional Associations: Abundance Beauty Caring Desire Education Financial Success Gratitude Happiness Imagination Joy Kindness Love Magic New Opportunity Passion, Power Quintessential Receiving Supernatural Tremendous Universal Victorious Wonderful X-Factor Yes Zeal! Video Rating: 4 / 5
25 Responses to METAPHYSICAL MIND MASSAGE MEDITATION ~ Enter Infinite Wealth
this is really amazing. not in 17 days but in about 20 days after watching I recieve a huge sum of money and finally I can get that new car. Thanks for this subliminal message!
It really works. I live in Piraeus Greece (near Athens)and really found an amazing change in my life in all levels including money chances in 17 days. Please try it one or twice a day it really works.
It seemed chain letter-ish with the whole “this event will occur at this time/in this amount of time.” That’s all I have to comment on, since I have no idea what metaphysical even is and am too lazy to look it up.
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us.
Excellent. Thank you
this is really amazing. not in 17 days but in about 20 days after watching I recieve a huge sum of money and finally I can get that new car. Thanks for this subliminal message!
not bad
It really works. I live in Piraeus Greece (near Athens)and really found an amazing change in my life in all levels including money chances in 17 days. Please try it one or twice a day it really works.
It seemed chain letter-ish with the whole “this event will occur at this time/in this amount of time.” That’s all I have to comment on, since I have no idea what metaphysical even is and am too lazy to look it up.
Very interesting. I will get back to you in 17 days. Thanks for posting.
Wow… you didn’t have ANY opportunities come your way in 17 whole months???????? You should try harder. :-O
Thanks NewTheatron
How lovely! Tks…
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
thank you so much:)
I am also very thankful for a positive comment like this:)
All the best,
I am happy and grateful for this video. = )
thank you
good vid ill watch this 50-11 times lol
Thank you – i feel brilliant and uplifted