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Question by BadMoonRising43: METAPHYSICAL MINDED ONLY! Why am I being so drawn to Malachite and gemstones in general?
I dont know I’m a pretty ‘in-tuned’ person and all that jazz and can usually figure these things out but, why Malachite? It feels like I’m just starving for it but I dont know what to do with it.
Any thoughts?

Oh yeah and I am a christian and all that good stuff so i would appreciate all the “burn the witch” christians to look inside themselves before they tell me i’m going to hell for having a well developed Third Eye

Best answer:

Answer by PraiseBob
Malachite is closely tied to copper. Perhaps there is a connection there.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

12 Responses to METAPHYSICAL MINDED ONLY! Why am I being so drawn to Malachite and gemstones in general?

  • tamyp says:

    Because… it looks nice? The problem with looking for meaning in everything is that the meaning only comes from the person. It isn’t inherent in the thing itself.

  • Grunty O says:

    Let’s get married.

  • Keltasia says:

    Green is usually linked to the physical plane so it could mean that you require something physical (like improved health).

  • MotherB says:

    I would say that your third eye is trying to tell you something. I would carry a piece with you and put some around your house.

    Malachite Mystical Properties:

    Malachite is said to bring harmony into one’s life.
    It is said that malachite gives knowledge and patience.
    Malachite was used as a children’s talisman to ward off danger and illness. It is attached to infant’s cradles.

    Good Luck and Blessed Be! )0(

  • Mark says:

    I love gemstones, they just seem mystical. What to do with them? Jewelry? I once bought a quartz, left it under my pillow- its suppose to help me remember my dreams.

  • SQUIRREL says:

    Have you been taking all your vitamins and minerals?

  • Diane says:

    crystals can be used for healing and malachite cleanses the emotional body, releases old trauma from past lives. Protects against psychic attacks and other negativity. Very important stone to have for healing. Deep healing. Perhaps you are drawn to it because you have need of it in some way

  • Unsilenced Lamb says:

    They have a great green color and make a great accessory to gold in diner-ware! Interesting Christian belief system you have.

    There is no Holy Spirit where a Third eye resides, nore has there ever been.

  • Klute says:

    What woman is not attracted to a precious looking stone.
    I mean, I love to drink beer, but I would never say no to a dickens cider 🙂

  • cosmo says:

    You like them because they’re pretty?

  • charlies_girl112679 says:

    I was told by my grandmother that malachite will break if something unfortunate is about to happen.

  • Bright Star says:

    Metaphysics has nothing to do with it.:) I collect crystals. They are fun to play with and mine are beautiful.

    There are however, sites that list metaphysical meanings for stones. Since Malachite seems to be your “thing” try googling “metaphysical properties of malachite.” I admit to looking them up out of curiosity. Nothing. From my experience if anyone gains any sort of benefits from them beyond the pleasures of collecting it’s all psychological.:)

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