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Question by *Chelley*: Metaphysical question: What does it take to become a spiritual reader?
I’ve done tarot readings for many years now and have always been sensitive to others energy. I’m curious to know how to pursue a career in this line of work. Any advice would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by supertop
The main thing is the ability to fool other people.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to Metaphysical question: What does it take to become a spiritual reader?

  • rhio9 says:

    There is no career in it.
    There’s no money in it.
    You either use it for good, or use it for yourself.
    You choose.

  • goddessyscorpio says:

    I am with Rhio9 on that one. Nothing is more disgusting than all the readers out there just out to make money. You may not start out as a bad reader but once money becomes your main goal, shame.

  • Pam R says:

    Hello Chelly

    It is a matter of believing that you can. Start small – friends & freinds of friends.

    Accept a gift for a gift philosophy until you feel comfy. ie jars coffee etc or a small donation.

    Make sure that you have ridgid appointment times & take charge of the sittings – people will take advantage! Even with friends.

    You will soon know if you wish to persue this in a proffessional manner & when you do you can have a fee & feel confident with what you are doing. You may even find that as you start to work with others that you develop a bit more.

    professional psychic
    visit my site – see how I work – might give you a few ideas.

  • rompetiza says:

    Chelley, this is not probably what you want to read but the truth is, either you have or not, and you can not use this kind of gift to earn money with it. Remember, all those that ask for help are really needing. As you should know, tarot does nor predict the future, as most of people want to, but it gives a path to a problem, a life, a passion. Only a path, and advice as the best option for your life. The rest is up to you, with your free willing. Therefore advices are for free, or you will lose this gift. This is an universal law of occult.

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