Question by witchdragon: Metaphysical Science………….?
Who studies/believes in the metaphysical and what is it you believe?
I’m asking cause I’m looking for people to bounce my ideas off from and to help me make sense of some of it. I’ve got a pretty good idea already but I find the more you work with others the more you find out that you didn’t know as much as you thought. 
I’m not saying I want you to tell me what to believe, I have some pretty strong believes of my own, only to compare yours with mine and see if I can make sense of some of it.
Best answer:
Answer by Gothic Shadow
I do, and most of what I study is shamanism and its various subgroups. Metaphysical science, in my opinion, is the science of causes and effects who’s relationship is not immediately apparent. Feel free to ask me anything else.
Give your answer to this question below!
Hi Witchdra,
I’ve been studying metaphysics for 25 years.
We believe in:
1- God
2- Life is what we make of it
3- Life is what we can make of it according to our karma
4- A communion with a hierarchy of guide spirits
5- The brotherhood of man
We don’t believe just because someone said so; our spiritual independence is priceless.
I have studied physics, theoretical physics, and metaphysics for over twenty years. I am a lifetime witch, 3rd generation, and have incorporated some Bhuddist philosophies into my beliefs. One never stops learning!
I am a big proponent of “reality is not as it seems”. On the sub-atomic level, everything is energy, and indeed, everything is connected. The sub-atomic differences between me and the chair I am sitting on are virtually nill. All of time and space are one thing. Time is an illusion. There are multiple layers to reality and multiple Space-Times, each instant unfolding into a new reality.
The mind is our key to unlocking the mysteries of the Universe. With our senses and with instruments of technology there are so many things that we can experience and know about the Universe. But beyond that are concepts that have barely been grasped. To me, it is an exciting proposition to be apart of something so wondrous as this thing we call existence.