Meteorite Guitar Pick the design crafting and testing of RELIC
PublishedAugust 6, 2010
Search for “meteorite guitar pick” on eBay. This video is the making of the Meteorite Guitar Pick called Relic. It has recently gotten some eyebrows raised from bloggers who found it on eBay. They joked around and actually had me rolling! This video is 30-50 hours of planning and work in the crafting of this guitar pick, condensed down to less than 10 minutes. The last minute is a live performance. This guitar pick is made from meteorite material of the Canyon Diablo meteor crater, Arizona, in the United States. This is the first guitar pick made from a US meteorite, and this video is the first one ever posted about making one from meteorite. My first self-crafted meteorite guitar pick. Name: RELIC. Artist: AC TX, USA. Date of completion: 4/27/09. Material/description: iron meteorite sculpture, used as a guitar pick. Drop it on a counter and it rings like a coin in C# (554.37/1108.73 Hz frequencies). Very tough, high tensile strength. Canyon Diablo meteorite contains Lonsdaleite (space diamond) thus making it very hard to machine. (It destroys your tools). Lonsdaleite has a hexagonal crystal structure. It is 58% harder than typical octagonal earth-diamond. Measurements: 1.5 x 1.2 x 3/64ths inches; (3.75 cm x 3 cm x 1.2 mm @ thick end). Weighs 7.4 grams. The Canyon Diablo meteorite is roughly 92% iron, 7% nickel, 1% rare earths. It came straight from the iron core of a wayward planetoid in outer space to what is now called Canyon Diablo about 50000 years ago. The mass of … Video Rating: 4 / 5 Please Subscribe Paradox and Power of Gamma Rays Video Rating: 4 / 5
28 Responses to Meteorite Guitar Pick the design crafting and testing of RELIC
impressing !
nicee =)