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MGMT Tickets- Rocking Some Brand New Tour Dates

MGMT is taking on the world as they tour the South Pacific, bringing some of those hallucinatory pop tunes to the land down under. An MGMT concert is great way to wrap up the year and reflect on years past. The band has once again introduced the sounds and styles that initially emerged during the Summer of Love. The colorful and addictive pop sounds bring to mind the era of the carefree yet also turbulent sixties, so step back in time and fall in love with the new band on the block: MGMT. For more information about tour dates, you can always check out

MGMT crashed into the music industry with their hot debut album called Oracular Spectacular. The new millennium welcomed the psychedelic sounds and energetic pop ballads put forth by bandmates Andrew Vanwyngarden and Ben Goldwasser. This duo always had an affinity for the psychedelically cool, and they first met in Connecticut in 2002. With no initial thoughts of forming a band, the two started hanging out and discovered that they shared many common interests, including a respect for mystic paganism and psychotropic sounds. Eventually the pair decided to play some of their electronic-based songs to audience members at the Wesleyan University. They used their fine-tuned computer skills to incorporate their nearly robot-like sounds and enthralled fans with a new wave of electronica that included the sounds of modern-day pop music.

Both Vanwyngarden and Goldwasser admit that initially they were just trying to be overly obnoxious with their abrasive electronic beats, but people enjoyed the collective, especially a small group of NYU students who formed an indie label just for the ability to release the first MGMT

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