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Michael Bernard Beckwith, well known spiritual teacher and featured contributor to The Secret, shares his teachings with the world in this powerful and compelling book of spiritual wisdom. In this handbook for spiritual revolutionaries, readers are both inspired and challenged to enter the journey to fulfilling their soul’s highest purpose — self-realization, and thereby to know what it means to be radically alive.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A video over meditation, how to meditate.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Michael Beckwith Discusses Spiritual Liberation

  • SheWasAlmost18 says:

    My heart beats really strongly, and it takes my focus away. Can anyone give me tips

  • victorxb360 says:

    @victorxb360 Oh shit.. I just noticed I layed out there for at least 30 minuttes!.. Sorry for the spaming :I

  • victorxb360 says:

    I just tryed out in the gardren, I crossed my lags and hands but layed down. Does that matter?.. And I think my foot feel asleep, and some ant crawled on me.. Or so it felt like… BUt it felt like I was spining at some point?

    Should I do something different? Could I get some feedback? 🙂

  • victorxb360 says:

    How am i supposed to observe my breathing, when ensoryintegration problems make me stressed all the time= my neck is insanely tens, I can’t breath my air proberbly, and because my neck is so tense, i can’t relax cuz it’s “ticking” all the time… And I can’t relax, cuz my neck is killing me… Fuck my body, I wish i could meditate… I:(

  • rinayaneeraj says:

    Dnt do this……….. without a guru………….. i gt fck’d up by dng alone.. my vein gt crossed in the spinal cord…… still suffering……. duing treatment.. spended a lot of money…………………………………..
    I strongly recomend not to do it without a guru……@ first i had involuntary movements of my entire body.. i couldnt control my actions …….. then with strong will i controlled it….. as i said above i nw suffers a lot…!!!!

  • ToniGermania says:

    Cool video! I will try it! Maybe I do no more need weed to relax then!? 🙂

  • grutasjames says:

    a bit cheesy…

  • wedontexist36 says:

    @DermochelysCoriacea i believe that means that u let your mind drift while u were meditating ;]

  • glenndermage says:


    LOL it’s annoying if something’s getting itchy 😛 especially there xO

  • spartan117024 says:

    @quentinemil i guess you get to a point that you dont feel like you do….im trying to get to that point but i get distracted easily …so yea im trying

  • Jononutoob says:

    Make sure all electronic devices are unplugged near you. If that doesnt help I would suggest drinking more water. Stay away from radio and televisions. Or have your ears cleaned. But I have had this happen to me many times.

  • gcrawXII says:

    @neeraj111666666 …yea, just keep trying to FOCUS on the task @ hand. FOCUS on the natural breath. Bring the FOCUS back every time. Time and practice. OK?

  • gcrawXII says:

    @IceIceBreak69 … I had this sickness @ first too. It reminded me of motion sickness, so I assumed it would go away if i persevered. I sometimes get motion sickness on long trips, and it always goes away if I just keep driving.

  • prodoman89 says:

    i just did it i meditated under all the stress im in during football i just wanted to relax so i watched this video and did it and holy crap it worked.

  • TheAcidPhosphate says:

    @DermochelysCoriacea I have no Idea but thats pretty funny maybe you have an std?

  • DermochelysCoriacea says:

    I tried doing this meditation, but the underside of my penis began to tickle. Does anybody know if this is related to the meditation?

  • ARafial says:

    @KingoftheGods123 Aha when you high meditating is easy cuz everythings at the top of your head even your eyes arnt closed an its easyer to breathe, feels like your breathing to your stomach when you breathe threw your mouth, an to your head when you breathe threw ya nose but thats on a really good high.

  • JLCammack says:

    @IceIceBreak69 Thank you! I’ll give that a try. =)

  • PhucNguyen0112 says:

    does this meditation technique have a name? What is different between this and Vipassana?

  • IceIceBreak69 says:

    @JLCammack All you really have to do is relax when you are feeling sick that means that the meditation is coming over your body and getting used to it thats why ppl meditate more for their body to get use to meditating so they wont feel the sickness. The sickness is potrayed in the mind and subconscious so in your mind just think happy thoughts but not too many because meditating is emptying the mind and clensing the spirit for a better understanding

  • aWickedCLownNInja says:

    when ever i meditate i hear ringing in my ears,
    then i start to feel dizzy, and kinda sick…
    does any one know why?

  • jackvincent90 says:

    @neeraj111666666 stop thinking

  • neeraj111666666 says:

    when i m doing the meditation my mind always diverts to thought i ve just started meditation so anyone help me or give me suggestions

  • KingoftheGods123 says:

    Lol meditating whilst high…

  • Tigerpaws9097826 says:

    This serves both as a nice introduction to “newbie” meditators, and also a nice refresher for those of us who may have picked up a bad habit or two along the way – thanks for the post.

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