Michael Bernard Beckwith, well known spiritual teacher and featured contributor to The Secret, shares his teachings with the world in this powerful and compelling book of spiritual wisdom. In this handbook for spiritual revolutionaries, readers are both inspired and challenged to enter the journey to fulfilling their soul’s highest purpose — self-realization, and thereby to know what it means to be radically alive. Video Rating: 4 / 5
A video over meditation, how to meditate. sunnyisfunny.co.nr Video Rating: 4 / 5
50 Responses to Michael Beckwith Discusses Spiritual Liberation
Click on my link for a guidebook on how to accelerate this evolutionary impulse. It also contains a powerful prophecy & sociopolitical commentary. It is based on a book in verse channeled from? the Cosmic Mind by the guy who introduced Kundalini to the West, Gopi Krishna.
Great video. Click on my link for a guidebook on how to accelerate brain evolution and spiritual experience. It also contains a powerful prophecy & sociopolitical commentary. It is based on a book in verse channeled from? the Cosmic Mind by the guy who introduced Kundalini to the West, Gopi Krishna.
Michael Beckwith is truly a man of great dreams and vision, insight, and possesses a “DAZZLING MIND.” I personally believe that his intuitions are most agreeable to and in harmony with the laws of the Universe. He teaches the Triple Truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are things that renew humanity. Because of Michael Beckwith, “I told the old self not to wait – I shall never return! Juddha Fitzgerald of Blogtalkradio
@cmayberry86 Hebrews 9, 28 KJ Look for Him he will appear a 2nd time unto salvation. A little not so well understood truth about Revelations, it is a book of self revelation. If when you read it, it’s about a God of killing the unjust, plagues, sores, casting out vengeance on evil doers and horribles atrocities done to man then that is who you are. But if when you read it. A God of salvation 2nd & 3rd &4th… opportunities always there till all are fulfilled in truth, then that is who you are.
@LilProveInn If what you say is true then it is a paradox because it is my questions which have brought this truth to me. But I’m sure you were aware of that, oh wise and noble sage.
@questioneverything8 That is the most poorly informed statement I have ever heard in my life. Do yourself a favor and read Revelations. When Christ comes back for the 2nd time he will not be here on a peace? keeping mission. With mere words he will lay waste to the Luciferian empire. I hate to tell you bud, but this stuff Beckwith is promoting isn’t new. It is only repackaged new age philosophy that originated from the likes of Aleister Crowley. Scripture warns us of such angels of “light”.
@cmayberry86 YES, that’s exactly what the Jews said about Jesus. The prophets of the old testament knew that the coming of the Christ would not be excepted and that He would be killed by His own people. I honestly believe when Christ comes the Christians will kill him again.
honestly, he isn’t teaching anything new. the keys to your own liberation have been there since humans became conscious of themselves as human, but not all of us are willing or able to recognize what that means or how to use it. Everybody has to have their own epiphany, or realization, about their own power to change the course of life.
This guy is obviously a very holy man to be able to bring people to that state of mind, but be aware: you’re holy, too.
ummmm.. from what i remember.. didn’t MAN right the bible? and it has been interpreted and changed to fit the needs of the times. At times to unite those that were at quarrel. The creator did not FAX it down from the heavens… since when is it wrong to unite people at a spiritual level and not a religious level…
da chocolate messiah!
what is he a “doctor” of?
@Juddhafitzgerald Not to mention he is rich.
@NotYourTypicalNegro Beckwith spews BS.
@ElegantPaws01, I have no idea of what you mean by that. In any event, it will not change what I think and feel about Beckwith and what he advocates.
@NotYourTypicalNegro Then find your own way that works for you.
I can’t STAND this guy with his foolishness!
@matywaldy ??
@GloveMC I love this amazing thought process,fucking superb,some of us are awakening
Click on my link for a guidebook on how to accelerate this evolutionary impulse. It also contains a powerful prophecy & sociopolitical commentary. It is based on a book in verse channeled from? the Cosmic Mind by the guy who introduced Kundalini to the West, Gopi Krishna.
Great video. Click on my link for a guidebook on how to accelerate brain evolution and spiritual experience. It also contains a powerful prophecy & sociopolitical commentary. It is based on a book in verse channeled from? the Cosmic Mind by the guy who introduced Kundalini to the West, Gopi Krishna.
Michael Beckwith is truly a man of great dreams and vision, insight, and possesses a “DAZZLING MIND.” I personally believe that his intuitions are most agreeable to and in harmony with the laws of the Universe. He teaches the Triple Truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are things that renew humanity. Because of Michael Beckwith, “I told the old self not to wait – I shall never return! Juddha Fitzgerald of Blogtalkradio
google Doe’s Account
@cmayberry86 Hebrews 9, 28 KJ Look for Him he will appear a 2nd time unto salvation. A little not so well understood truth about Revelations, it is a book of self revelation. If when you read it, it’s about a God of killing the unjust, plagues, sores, casting out vengeance on evil doers and horribles atrocities done to man then that is who you are. But if when you read it. A God of salvation 2nd & 3rd &4th… opportunities always there till all are fulfilled in truth, then that is who you are.
@LilProveInn If what you say is true then it is a paradox because it is my questions which have brought this truth to me. But I’m sure you were aware of that, oh wise and noble sage.
Your number of questions keep you from seeing the simplicity in many things.
@questioneverything8 That is the most poorly informed statement I have ever heard in my life. Do yourself a favor and read Revelations. When Christ comes back for the 2nd time he will not be here on a peace? keeping mission. With mere words he will lay waste to the Luciferian empire. I hate to tell you bud, but this stuff Beckwith is promoting isn’t new. It is only repackaged new age philosophy that originated from the likes of Aleister Crowley. Scripture warns us of such angels of “light”.
@cmayberry86 YES, that’s exactly what the Jews said about Jesus. The prophets of the old testament knew that the coming of the Christ would not be excepted and that He would be killed by His own people. I honestly believe when Christ comes the Christians will kill him again.
Yup! Let’s make THAT change, like MJ said.
yeah, it’s like The Secret and he’s like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, etc.
honestly, he isn’t teaching anything new. the keys to your own liberation have been there since humans became conscious of themselves as human, but not all of us are willing or able to recognize what that means or how to use it. Everybody has to have their own epiphany, or realization, about their own power to change the course of life.
This guy is obviously a very holy man to be able to bring people to that state of mind, but be aware: you’re holy, too.
humanity can do better. We all can. Shine. Take a hint.
ummmm.. from what i remember.. didn’t MAN right the bible? and it has been interpreted and changed to fit the needs of the times. At times to unite those that were at quarrel. The creator did not FAX it down from the heavens… since when is it wrong to unite people at a spiritual level and not a religious level…
This is really sad.
Michael Beckwith teaches people to seek oneness with God and harmony with the world and each other starting from within and you call him a wolf?
Please, remove the beam in your own eye before you blind somebody with it.
Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
and you do?
if you knew what that was, you wouldn’t occupy time this way.