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Have you ever wondered whether the billion-dollar artifice of the media, and of the advertising conglomerates, has any lasting negative effect on your mind and behavior, or whether the young are particularly affected by the all-pervasive presence of ads? Is it rational to expect large ad-corporations to jeopardize their vast monopolies by becoming more responsible in the future? Can Madison Avenue agencies and other Hidden-Persuaders ever be held accountable, if it is discovered and proven that the glamorous creations of their industry do indeed have lasting negative effects on our minds and behavior? Is the new designer disease of our age Affluenza, and is the consumer the consumed, in these times of excess and chronic commercialism? Can there be positive psychological, spiritual or social advancement, in a symbol-illiterate culture, more and more dependent on image, brand-logos and chimeras of the perfect, happy life, based on chronic competitiveness, material affluence and technical proficiency? Is there a connection between the rising levels of crime, substance abuse, inner psychological dysfunction, emotional disassociation, and the subversive use of power images and words in our culture? In this the sixth of the Origins and Oracles series, Michael Tsarion reveals the occult meaning behind many of the brand-names and logos that infest our think- and mind-space. This thoroughly engrossing expose is compulsory viewing for members of the younger generation, who are

For more Astrology videos visit or visit ninjakingking channel on Since the dawn of time, humankind has looked to the heavens for potential answers to their earthly problems. Yet, the important questionremains: Do the movements of the stars and planets really hold the secrets of human destiny?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

24 Responses to Michael Tsarion – The Hidden Persuaders Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism In The Media 1

  • pnutty94 says:

    i commented on tsarion debunker sites that it is like trying to put out the sun with a bucket of water……..

  • pnutty94 says:

    communication is evolving on all levels……way….way…..faster than ”they” can control and take advantage of…………

  • tonyotag says:

    I kind of thought of something like this happening.

  • vagitarrius says:

    tsarion’s presentation is b r i l l i a n t… as in light…the chakra that connects us
    to love light and the truth information available to all through the cosmos listen to tsarion guide you to what you know if you are brave and free or want to be…
    it’s about feeling the exhilaration of knowing and thinking for yourself, it’s centering yourself in higher minded energy frequency or indigo light……

  • emptytainment00 says:

    This is the f*cking sh*t!!!!!!! I mean that in a good way. If I could use symbols; two thumbs up and a big smile.

    Create languages, separate the people by preventing communication and exchange of ideas, divide and conquer. Not for much longer.

    More and more people are communicating on a common ground language (English) and the internet is helping us share ideas.

  • cosmiclibrary says:

    I had experienced only right brain in an evil environment, like the moon card in tarot, and got pulled. Bad things came. You have to use the holarchic brain. Feel with your head and think with your heart. Although more emphasis should be placed on the right brain today.

  • HuckleberrySlim says:

    Hell yeah!!! 🙂

  • ghettenluhuhuus says:

    AMEN BROTHER!!! Wot a time to be alive…

  • HuckleberrySlim says:

    quite true. right now the society promotes the hyper-alert/logic/problem solving/fight or flight reaction alpha brain wave modality of brain wave often associated with the left brain. that balance is needed. individuals will spread the habit of right brain/beta wave/creative thinking, and it will catch on, thru contagiousness and necessity. oftentimes when two things are considered separate, they are just two halves of a whole bigger than each side can see. we’re seeing the connections form now.

  • ghettenluhuhuus says:

    its about finding a balance…

  • FuzzyNugs420 says:

    i agree…

  • HuckleberrySlim says:

    im getting sick and tired of left brain and frankly im ready for a right brain based society

  • RicochetRabbit101 says:

    Excellent video series.. thanks or posting.

  • videouzleg says:

    Since science could not deny Nostradamus or like type of some prophecies astrology is still functional science.

  • thatnigga253 says:

    you cant disprove astrology we simply don’t have the technology to do so

  • dwixi says:

    Yeah. This stuck me too. Although it is really the fault of the mainstream of astrology today. Its much more simple than what real astrology is. You can’t really blame him for thinking it is wrong. Because what he studyed probably was wrong. It was probably newspaper kind of predictions that are never accurate.

  • AstroChartsMadeEasy says:

    Cool Video,

  • ZodiacTeacher says:

    “skeptics don’t know the first thing about astrology”

    That’s exactly what I tried to explain to some dummy that based his belief on one of those one-sided, very slanted “tests” that are supposed to prove astrology one way or the other. One guy in the vid made a remark about what all life works on. One of the things he named was electromagnetism. If the movement of the top of Sears Tower in Chicago can be measured by Jupiter’s movement, what does he call that? They don’t get it.

  • GodCarnage says:

    what i find interesting as an astrologer is that the skeptics don’t know the first thing about astrology and come with an archaic misrepresentation of astrology. they try to prove it to be false but no what there proving is there perception of astrology to be wrong, which means you have proven nothing but your own ignorance, id like to ask this of them, “do you like making your self look stupid”

  • menchiiscute1 says:

    Astrology, is so very fascinating as well as confusing. Just like Dr. Patrick Curry concluded, we may never really understand Astrology completely, but we as individuals can either be believers or not.

    The Universe is tremendously gigantic, full of mystery and questions. Too deep to explore fully.


  • maleword says:


  • DofS1 says:

    Great documentary.

  • Shurayuki18481 says:

    What a great documentary!!

  • lemonheartfly says:

    this was a joke! irrational idiots made this video biased toward astrology!

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