Microwave: New Age cooking
The microwave is the most user friendly machine in the kitchen that has been invented. Using a microwave helps to dispense the need to use other kitchen aids which most of us would not have even bothered to use. The microwave does the functions of most of these other kitchen tools. What you will find in many homes is that the microwave is being used to defrost cold meat straight from the freezer or to warm up coffee or to merely pop corn. Most people fail to realize that a microwave has more uses than this.
Now that you have decided to try your hand at microwave cooking it is better that you are knowledgeable about microwave ovens. Not all microwave ovens are made the same. Each has a different wattage and their quality also differs. The microwaves which come cheap and are available at discount stores will not be of much help when it comes to heavy cooking like preparing full meals for the family. They can instead be used to make simple side dishes which can be also exotic. Any microwave that gets your Thanksgiving turkey turned out in the perfect brown color is considered perfect.
Microwave cooking is not for the faint hearted who are afraid to experiment and who are not ready to make mistakes while cooking. Here in microwave cooking though it is partly science where microwaves waves are used for cooking, it is also a great way to learn to cook. You can check out on the many recipes that are available on the internet. This will help you to determine how much time and what wattage are needed to be used to make the different meals. When you take up microwave cooking you should be prepared to learn from through the trail and error method to turn out the perfect dish. But if you use the recipe book which is
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