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Here’s my playthrough of Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World redone. I’ve sped up things a bit, since I wanted to complete the game as quickly as possible (Though it cannot be considered a speed run). “Replacement” footage here, since I accidentally lost the second part footage. Here, I’ve paid a few visits to Rinaldo Jr. at Sansobar caverns to increase thievery (Essential for robbers and ninjas, since thievery rating determines how sucessful they are in lockpicking doors and disarming traps). In order to enter the caverns, you have to get past a group of sewer rats and some random monsters. Since initally your characters are simply way too weak to deal with them, use a teleport orb to get past them. The Sansobar caverns aren’t a safe place, since there are lots of traps and the levitation spell is useless here, so you’re better off using the jump (Which usually results in “spell failed”, for some reason on the SNES version) or teleport spells. In order to reach the master thief Rinaldo Jr, you have to get past a group of soldiers and swamp dogs and a group of 5 or 6 ninjas, which can OHKO any of your characters. But you can teleport to get past them too. Rinaldo Jr. will increase the thievery rating of your robbers and ninjas by 10% for 700 gold. You can visit him multiple times (By leaving and re-entering Sansobar caverns) until your robbers and ninjas reach the cap of 60% thievery. After that, you can only increase thievery by training (You’ll need gold and
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6 Responses to Might and Magic 2 (SNES) – Playthrough Part 2

  • LucasHidemiKomori says:

    @nutherefurlong I’m almost sure it’s port exclusive bugs (The Apple2 and Genesis versions of the game also have bugs of their own).

    Also, the SNES port of the game simplified the combat system, removing the melee/ranged factor. They also buffed out stuff and nerfed other stuff (Including fixed/random encounters) on this port.

  • nutherefurlong says:

    @LucasHidemiKomori One helpful player said told me that spells like Fireball and Cold Ray have to be directed at ENEMIES that aren’t in melee. It’s not the caster that has to worry about melee, it’s the recipient of the spell.

    As far as Jump, the only time I didn’t get it to work was when there weren’t two spaces free, one to jump over and one to land on. Some places might have spell resistances, but other than that, I don’t know why Jump doesn’t work for you. I pretty much only use Teleport.

  • LucasHidemiKomori says:

    @nutherefurlong Hmmm, I’ve checked the game maps several times… On Sansobar dungeons there’s plenty of space to jump over those those blasted ankle traps, however the spell always, if not most of the time, ends up failing. I tried to use Ropes and Hooks once, but again I got the “Spell Failed” message.

    I managed to beat the game without using the Jump (and other useless SNES version spells), but it doesn’t change the fact it’s annoying.

  • nutherefurlong says:

    @LucasHidemiKomori I wonder if it has to do with the space around you. Like with jump you need to have a place you can jump to, without magical barriers or whatever in between. So I wonder if like, with Fireball, in addition to other stuff you need room for the fireball to actually explode. So a narrow hallway won’t work. I think some of those healing spells, like rejuvenation, actually just fail once in a while. Turn undead only works once on any enemy group– that makes sense, at least.

  • LucasHidemiKomori says:

    @nutherefurlong I still didn’t figured out. The PC version doesn’t seem to have this problem with the jump spell and other ones (Though there’s still a probability of getting Spell Failed when trying to use Rejuvenation or Turn Undead spells).

    The Enchant Item spell works on the SNES version, but only after a truckload of Spell Failed messages… orz

  • nutherefurlong says:

    Did you ever figure out why you got the spell failed result? That seems to happen a lot in this game for some spells.

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