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Miklagard Overture, one of the best Turisas songs…a real orchestra! -_Lyrics_- Miklagard Overture Long have I drifted without a course A rudderless ship I have sailed The Nile just keeps flowing without a source Maybe all the seekers just failed? To Holmgard and beyond In search of a bond Far from home I’ve come But the road has just begun Breathing history Veiled in mystery The sublime The greatest of our time Tsargrad! “Come with us to the south Write your name on our roll” I was told; Konstantinopolis Sui generis The saints and emperors Of bygone centuries The man-made birds in their trees Out load their paean rings Immortality! In astonishing colours the East meets the West The hill-banks arise in their green In wonder I sit on my empty chest As we glide down the strait in between To Holmgard and beyond In search of a bond Distant church bells toll For their god they chant and troll Breathing history Veiled in mystery The sublime The greatest of our time Tsargrad! The Norwegian of rank In the court of The Prince I was convinced Konstantinopolis Ten gates to eternity Seen all for centuries Your inconquerable walls Your temples and your halls See all, hear all, know it all My sun rose in the North and now sets in the South The Golden Horn lives up to its name From tower to tower a chain guards its mouth Unbreakable, they claim To Holmgard and beyond In a seach of a bond Adventures lie ahead Many knots lie unravelled on my thread Breathing history Veiled in mystery The
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Natural enviroment in Sicily Italy. Sicily maintains numerous nature reserves and green areas. These, scattered throughout the nine provinces, have remarkably increased in number in the last half century. The Botanic Garden in Palermo, stretching over an area of 10 hectares, is a real green lung and an important sanctuary for various plant species. It also contains busts dedicated to historical figures. The Entella Grotto Nature Reserve, in the Palermo area, offers a splendid environment that includes a man-made lake. It is close to archaeological-historical cities Elima and Entellina and provides a critical habitat for a rich wildlife, among which is the falco peregrinus. On a small island some 15km off the Palermo coast, is the Isola delle Femmine (Island of Women) Nature Reserve with its lush vegetation and a natural patrimony represented by leguminosae, graminaceous and composite species; varieties of flowers like nigella, reeds, romulea and Iris; numerous animal communities such as the mediterranean gull, the crested lark and the heron. Remnants of Punic and Roman amphoras were unearthed on the island. The Sugherata Reserve, stretching over an area of 3000 hectares in the territory of Niscemi, Caltanissetta, is mostly composed of holm-oaks, evergreens and shrubs. The Monte Pellegrino Oriented Nature Reserve, in the Palermo province, now entrusted to the Associazione Nazionale Rangers D’Italia, is home to over a thousand plant and wildlife

38 Responses to Miklagard Overture -_- by Turisas

  • Treeflag says:

    very good song !!

  • Barquersail says:

    Well, Osman Empire has its rights, for they’ve beem living there for many centuries, but it is also an ancient land of Anatolia, that belongs to some power long forgotten…still, the tragedy of Constantinople is immenese like its glory…. For it was the Key of East and West…

  • Hellowenisti86 says:

    I agree whit you. A movie about the last siege of Constantinople would be so epic! 🙂
    Long live the Byzantine Empire a kingdom that did exist longer in Europe than any other kingdom! (and imo Greece have more rights for Constaninople than Turkey.)

  • grimcelticfrost121 says:

    great song they need to make more like this

  • DuhInnegurat says:

    Not a speaker of a latin-language, huh? 😛
    I’d rather pronounce it Toor-i-saas. This is how the band themselves say it, as heard in the “Battle Metal” song

  • Barquersail says:

    My favourite song of Turisas, about Constantinople – Great city, as vikings named it – Miklagardr. As I listen this song I imagine this city in ancient times, as it was seen by vikings – last seat of Roman emperors, power and beauty unmeasured…This song could be a great soundtrack for a movie about thaese times….

  • Eldar220 says:

    I’ll kill you lol

  • CheesecakePorn says:

    =D Thanks man Keep up the viking metal taste

  • Zahrk says:


  • CheesecakePorn says:

    o_o sorry but, how the fuck do I say turisas?

  • bluesymetalhead says:


  • Eldar220 says:

    Fuck yeah
    Turisas is awesome

  • bluesymetalhead says:


  • DavidKJonesb says:

    uhmdas beste wäre heute oder überhaupt wenn ich jemand netten zum chattn finden würde!

  • geekgoodgirl says:

    Great video

  • koyteSSS says:

    ti riferisci a me?

  • freeaves says:

    ben detto, migliore definizione di questa fantastica terra non potevi dare…un siciliano

  • dave777blaster says:

    for Italy
    Canada loves Italy

  • vaccilisciu91 says:

    ma vai affanculo

  • koyteSSS says:

    la sicilia è la terra perfetta
    con la gente schifosa

  • TalentoSoccer says:

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  • 54spiritedwill54 says:

    spendid and reading the document is great !Bravo!

  • sonivonquesada says:

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  • mistofigo says:

    i wish you were wrong…

  • GVB1939 says:

    One for my Places of interest Playlist . Places of interest Houses Castles
    GVB1939/ Gerry My Playlist. Please take a look. GVB1939 Gerry :O)Peace And Love

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