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Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck

Rating: (out of 6 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 20.31

Price: CDN$ 13.19

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5 Responses to Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck Reviews

  • Summer R. Brown says:

    Review by Summer R. Brown for Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
    I have owned several tarot decks and oracles, but this is the first deck (and only, so far) I truly connected with. The artwork is lovely and simply drawn, but the images seem to really speak to me, in a sense that is difficult to explain. They are quite dreamlike, and yes, feminine in nature, but certainly not anti-masculine. Every person gets a different feeling from different decks, but I have learned a lot from this one. I get the most heartfelt and accurate readings from this deck. Plus, I love the spread that the book recommends!

  • Kelly L. ( says:

    Review by Kelly L. ( for Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
    I bought the Motherpeace deck several months ago during a moment of anti-patriarchal fervor. I had just read the book written for this deck, “Motherpeace, A Way to the Goddess…” along with several other radical feminist books. It suited my mood at the time; the deck is inspiring, comforting, and thought-provoking to a person who is angry about the way the world is set up. Most of the time, I don’t lend much thought-space to matriarchy-versus-patriarchy concerns, since I personally am happier if I concentrate on the present, warts and all, than on whether or not this massive cultural shift occurred in the dimly remembered past. The Motherpeace deck focuses on warm, loving communities of women; the only men are in the Courts and in the Emperor, Hierophant, and Devil. The Courts are mixed; some are nice guys and some are stereotypical patriarchal jerks. The Emperor, Hierophant, and Devil are all portrayed as oppressors. To my mind, this takes some of the subtlety and deeper meaning out of the cards; in a tarot reading any card can be “good” or “bad”, depending on context. When I’m in a bad mood, this deck can help me mentally vent. Otherwise, I tend to use decks with more ambiguous symbolism and better art.

  • Sarah says:

    Review by Sarah for Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
    I have to admit it…. I originally bought this deck because I wanted something other than the regular shape and size to add to my collection. And I am not displeased with this. There are good things to be said about using the round shape for a deck besides the symbolic content. I enjoy the chance to use a different “slant” on the reading based on which direction the cards lean. This has to be my favorite aspect to the cards. As for the other things, I have found that some of the complaints are partially true. For example, while there are positive male protrayals in this deck, the majority of the characters are female of all shape and form. And yes, there are some unsavory male characters. This does not particularly bother me, since I have always found a lack of portrayal of strong feminine influences in the world. However, I would not recommend it as the only or first deck for someone without a feminist bent.

  • Louis Robilio says:

    Review by Louis Robilio for Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
    Yeah, I’m just a guy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate these cards. Men can draw on their feminine power (we all have both, you know) through the use of these cards. I have found them very useful for meditation and divination, especially since they represent so many underrepresented groups.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Mini Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck
    This deck receives many extremely negative reviews. Don’t let them scare you away, because if you do like the deck you will REALLY like it. Apparently if you don’t like it you’ll hate it intensely, but my experience with Motherpeace has been overwhelmingly positive and I would hate to think people are missing out on its benefits.I love the artwork for this deck. I’ve looked at hundreds of others and found them either too slick and new agey/psychedelic, too “knights and damsels,” or too unintelligibly abstract. The Motherpeace images are playful and unpretentious, portraying people (yes, mostly women and many nude or partially nude women, which seems to irritate many people, but my very masculine boyfriend is comfortable with the deck) of many colors and cultures in many different situations. The characters are drawn subtly but expressively, so that the meaning of the card is always clear but not necessarily spelled out. The Major Arcana are gorgeous and filled with historical detail, such as the Ceres relief copied on the Empress card and the somewhat dandified image of Alexander the “Great” (no, I don’t think he was all that great either but what do you expect from the guy who had Aristotle for a tutor) on the Emperor card. All of the Major Arcana images are striking; Strength is the Irish Brigid or St. Bride with all her animal friends surrounding her, and Death is a brilliant yellow and crimson snake renewing its skin on a black background contrasting with ethereal aspen trunks and a white skeleton bound in a fetal position as many ancient cultures bound the body for rebirth in the next world.The Minor Arcana colors correspond to the different suits, with Wands mostly in fiery reds and oranges, Cups in watery blue-greens, Swords in cool yellows and blues, and Discs in earth tones. The fascinating details of costume and setting combined with the round cards and spontaneous drawing style make reading with this deck a very satisfying visual experience.Despite what you may have heard, there are positive male images and negative female images in the deck. People of either gender are seen abusing power as well as using it wisely. I’ve used the deck and read all the books, and I feel very strongly that there is no malicious intent involved. This is a wonderful deck, and the books are great too. Enjoy!

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