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HQ (High Quality Link): — A miscellaneous quest in Suran, guide / walkthrough / playthough is a tutorial in this video. The following was aquired in different places: From Seyda Neen (Arrille, Trader) x11 Sujamma. From Vivec (Alusaron, Smith) x1 Bonemold Long Bow (longbow), x200 Spark Arrows. From Ald’ruhn Mages Guild (Tanar Llervi) x2 Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost, x1 Scroll of Mark, x1 Scroll of Leaguestep (Recall). Strategy used: Our level 1 heroin first uses Scroll of Mark on the above rock behind Umbra. After speaking with Umbra and “accepting” the mission to give him a warriors death. Immediately use the recall scroll to warp up to the rock out of his close combat range, proceed to drink all sujamma potions and then shoot him with several arrows until Umbra falls in battle. Mods in use, list (most of these are simply retexturing, gameplay is only visually altered): Better Bodies (BB), Better Heads, Better Armor, Better Clothes (Clothing), TLM (The Lighting Mod) complete, Real Sign Posts (realsignposts), Potions (a mod that changes all potion icons), mvp (Morrowind Visual Pack), Windows Glow. Voice actors & actresses: (voice actor/character) Erika (Kyrakun) … Ashumanu Eraishah (Dark Elf, Dunmer) Johnny (StoneMonkWisdom) … Umbra (Orc) Music used (In chronological order): 1. A Prophet’s Dream by Jajiura Yuki, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette OST 2. Somewhere I Belong by Kajiura Yuki, Le Protrait de Petite Cossette 3. Goodnight (Inn

Here is a quick video I made showing you how I climb these mountains using the priest spell ”levitate”. I recorded this on the PTR before 3.3 went live but waited until it still worked in live before releasing this video. Also added useless Ironforge airport scene in the end. Enjoy! How to do this? Step 1: Get stuck! Like in the video at 00:32 and 03:07. Step 2: When you are sure that you are stuck, use levitate. Step 3: Have fun while it lasts. Music: Lions in a cage – Mezarkabul 05:36 – Friendly mountaineer…. or NOT

46 Responses to Misc. Quest, Umbra the Orc Warrior, Suran, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

  • SteveMiller88 says:

    I was just doing this in Org, with no trouble at all. Not exactly like this though. I would go up until I got stuck, then go horizontally until I found a slope I could walk up, then repeat.

  • cherylcdnkrq says:

    great clip. have any of you guys saw the wow cheats pack at warcraftbotsXinfo (replace X with .) ? its incredible, i recently down loaded the pack. it’s got completely every thing inside it, gold guides, bots, hacks, glitches and even the new arena glitch. i perhaps shouldn’t tell people about this but at least this gives you all a reasonable opportunity to get it before i pwn all of you

  • jamalama4ever says:

    OMG! Hehe why do they write up on the mountain ? haha 😀

  • KUSHEAN says:

    have u people found the new rogue hack that enables you to cheat at arena? it is incredible, my own rogue is in complete arena pvp gear 2200 rating! i don’t actually really want to share this but what the heck.. you can find it at wowcheatsYnet (replace Y with . ) however please don’t tell too many people!

  • Roman9944 says:

    there is not too much of levitation videos,i know about it 1 year without any help

  • DeusVivit says:

    @ZYX305 Its been fixed /mourn!

  • RossNelsonl says:

    Great Video, but this is not working anymore i found a legit way to get free cards, check it out freewowgametime*com Emery Buhoveckey

  • ZYX305 says:

    I’m having trouble doing this on my 34 priest, with going up the walls and such… all I can do when I get “stuck” and put levitate on is move across the wall left to right . :/

  • dyooo2 says:

    they didnt quite fix it, if u do the same thing as she said to as like to get stuck and use levitate, yes u wont go up but u wont be stuck it will look like it but if u move u can walk along the wall u were stuck on and walk along it so if ur up high somwhere and u wanna get all the way to another part and ur a priest this should help good luck all u glitchers out there keep on looking!!! XD

  • bbenjoe says:

    Patch v3.3.3 -Wall Climbing Bug fixed.

  • zanarith says:

    i think they just fixed it in this recent patch cause i’ve been trying it on my priest you know how they are always trying to ruin all the fun…

  • kkmckell says:

    rofl, I don’t think they’ll bother. Pretty soon we’ll be able to fly in a whole newly built world. Everything will be changed. And rofl at the “help” that is great.

    I once climbed up a mountain on my hunter, only to find an invisible wall. I took a neat screen of her running against it.

    I’ve also climbed up behind and on top of Ironforge with my warrior. I thought it’d be a place players could go… TAT;

  • MajinTrista says:

    Whats the point of fixing it when Cataclysm is coming out soon? 😛 It’s too much work imo

  • chmun77 says:

    LOL @ “HELP”… why the developers wanna put that?? haha…

  • OfficialHelpKenny says:

    evry1 blizz cant remove this! they have too remove leviteate or put invisible walls all around the game:P

  • AresBrutus says:

    Guys… Blizzard knew this shit back in PTR. Don’t ask me why they still haven’t removed it but they definitely know already that’s for sure. 🙂

  • shartekatPirox says:

    hei can you please delete this video, so i didnt want that blizzard nerfed it…

  • 1boredom2strikes3 says:

    @violent6666 sdfu they already know

  • violent6666 says:

    Remove this bug before someone tells blizzard. It will get patched =(.

  • ChaturaWoW says:

    Because you don’t get stuck properly Emodagboken

  • emodagboken says:

    am trying this, but i cant get higher, i can just go to left or right! why?

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