HQ (High Quality Link): www.youtube.com — A miscellaneous quest in Suran, guide / walkthrough / playthough is a tutorial in this video. The following was aquired in different places: From Seyda Neen (Arrille, Trader) x11 Sujamma. From Vivec (Alusaron, Smith) x1 Bonemold Long Bow (longbow), x200 Spark Arrows. From Ald’ruhn Mages Guild (Tanar Llervi) x2 Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost, x1 Scroll of Mark, x1 Scroll of Leaguestep (Recall). Strategy used: Our level 1 heroin first uses Scroll of Mark on the above rock behind Umbra. After speaking with Umbra and “accepting” the mission to give him a warriors death. Immediately use the recall scroll to warp up to the rock out of his close combat range, proceed to drink all sujamma potions and then shoot him with several arrows until Umbra falls in battle. Mods in use, list (most of these are simply retexturing, gameplay is only visually altered): Better Bodies (BB), Better Heads, Better Armor, Better Clothes (Clothing), TLM (The Lighting Mod) complete, Real Sign Posts (realsignposts), Potions (a mod that changes all potion icons), mvp (Morrowind Visual Pack), Windows Glow. Voice actors & actresses: (voice actor/character) Erika (Kyrakun) … Ashumanu Eraishah (Dark Elf, Dunmer) www.youtube.com Johnny (StoneMonkWisdom) … Umbra (Orc) Music used (In chronological order): 1. A Prophet’s Dream by Jajiura Yuki, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette OST 2. Somewhere I Belong by Kajiura Yuki, Le Protrait de Petite Cossette 3. Goodnight (Inn …

Here is a quick video I made showing you how I climb these mountains using the priest spell ”levitate”. I recorded this on the PTR before 3.3 went live but waited until it still worked in live before releasing this video. Also added useless Ironforge airport scene in the end. Enjoy! How to do this? Step 1: Get stuck! Like in the video at 00:32 and 03:07. Step 2: When you are sure that you are stuck, use levitate. Step 3: Have fun while it lasts. Music: Lions in a cage – Mezarkabul 05:36 – Friendly mountaineer…. or NOT
hardest thing i think i did, i used like 5000 gold worth of health potions but i used umbra the sword to get another more powerful weapon /=
Wow you sound really good. You could be a professional voice actor. I liked how you blended with the character. =]
@RoxasxNamine Well, this was like my first project I tried voice acting with and I tried sounding deeper than I am normally and I slightly adjusted the way I sound as well using a audio program called Audacity to sound just a little more deeper, the static could be from the mic and audacity adjustment.
This is an example though of a project I might do again someday, probably for the same game or another one hahaha XP
Pretty good. You sound a bit static initially but still, good.
lol class: Sexy love machine XD
Woah, you have 849 videos… holy crap…
@madmanuel18 It’s not a mod. Read the credits, video description, etc.
UMBRA UMBRA Luv da voice MOD
@ezithau I don’t really KNOW the console commands, I looked up the info on a reliable source. Google the following term:
‘uesp wiki morrowind’
hmm, this gives me the urge to start a voice acting MOD for Morrowind, it would take a long time to do though. and on to another question since you seem to know your console commands, do you know what the console command to update the journal for the main quest is, the Redorran councelor whos supposed to duel me wont update my journal so i cant continue in the game
yeah…the easiest way to kill him is to stand on those rocks and cast spells or shoot him dead…lol
lol sometimes i use both, cause i hate walkin aorund and boom a skeleton pops up out of nowhere
what does a scroll of mar do i never knew. And you can beat umbra in melee but i wouldn’t recommend it he is really tough you need allloot of enchantments like the heart ring amulet of heartfire
I like a Constant Effect Night Eye instead of a light spell. The enemies around here and there in morrowind are on “leveled lists” so depending on your own level, the enemies you face will either be weak as well, or strong as well.
nice vid, and i persoanlly will NOT go out on morrowind at night, lol i will sleep till 10 am until i explore, which is why once i get high enough level i use two rings. Number one is constant effect light 100to100 on self. Number two is invisiblty 100to100 on self. lol thes two rings help people alot, but the drawback is that you have to make them, which means you gotta have 2 grand soul gems with golden saint and esquiste ring or amulet, hope i helped Someone.
Yeah, when exploring tombs at night in game and real night outside… It feels creepy with the sounds and you turn a corner exploring but then turn around because a skeleton spotted you. It is creepy, similar to Halo when I first fought the Flood… I was playing in the middle of the night and it was creepy, I unloaded magazine after magazine of ammo at those things.
morrowind scared me (still scares me) whenever i go into the demonish valley and theres skeletons n necros and stuff its freaky as hell
lol i has over 50k and full inordil along with full glass and orc yea not bad i’m only a lvl 20 also XD anyways yea still a fav game even though i have never beaten it. but yea great game
I got the game three days ago!
I’m a Dark Elf Mage with around 2000 g. I used to have 4000g on my other char but I saved over -.-
Suran is awesome!
Can we trade lives? I’m so jealous that you have this game.
I got it off amazon but won’t work. -.-
Got the GOTY edition of Amazon for 3 euro, brand new.
But it kept making a vibrating noise when I put it in my computer and nothing cmoes up, can you please, please, please help me?
The atnosfear of Morrowind is much better than oblivion…I dont know why…
It just seems much more HAPPY!
I find the anime extremely dramatic, and is amoung my favorites for the intense scenes and music that really support those emotions.
true especially prophets dream. besides the anime is depressing but the music is the best
Glad you like it, it felt especially appropriate for this video to me. ^_^