If you are interested in Psychic Readings, Tarot, or Astrology please send in a video question. I will use my gift to guide you on the path towards enlightenment. My readings may not be the fluffy ones you’re used to but they will be for real. Love all the subscribers. I’ll get to your submitted questions soon. Get your grow on little man!!! Big Love!!! MM13
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Awesome song from Tarot. One of my favorites. /,,/ 10 000 views! I was crowned a king in a womb, tore my mother apart at birth, gnawed at my father’s bones, then gave them to the earth Bowels of a grave turned loose, spat out the one the reaper couldn’t use. I RULE! I crawled into the moonlight. The sky fixed me with its stare, filled me with razorteeth and covered me in hair. Did you ever think that the stink of the flesh I suck, would be you, sad fuck. I RULE! The holy insult at the face of all divine. Purity of damnation is mine. There’s a place that I must find in order to explode. The hell pales beside me as I spill my load. Bowels of a grave turned loose, spat out the one the reaper couldn’t use. Time to burn the inhuman torch. Rip and slash, impale and scorch! I RULE!
@XWeedhunterX Need I really know that? :S
@nightwish568 he signed my ass when, i flashed my ass when he asked lol
I think ANYONE would be coughing after all that semi-screaming “I rule!!” :p
Omg!!! I was suprised when i saw that these guys were from Finland!!! ALL HAIL METAL!!!!!
the one who had successfully not shaven the longest!
if they beard-fighted to death, who would not die first?
Marco viddu rules!
lol i just typed in I rule and this showed up! Good song!
I ruuuuuuuleeeeee! *coughcough* xD…
I RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard this band can even make chuck norris give the devil horns.
drums in this songs are kicking ass
That cough at the end makes the song.
I heard his beard can deflect chuck norris’s roundhouse kicks
Yep. And also posessor of the world’s most amazing beard. Legend has it that when he shaves it off, the forces of darkness and villainly will be free to roam the earth. It’s just that awesome.
best song of there band amazing absolutely amazing
i ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I have an EGO!!
My song
My theme song!!!
I really do rule!!! I RULE!!!
Marco is finnish metal god. ,,/
Thats so true, Marco rules… and the whole Tarot rules too!
Very cool,