If you are interested in Psychic Readings or Tarot then please send in a video question. I will use the skills that were blessed on me to guide you on the path towards enlightenment. My readings may not be the fluffy ones you’re used to but they will be for real. Remember the way forwards sometimes means you must watch where you are stepping. Big Love!!! MM13
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Anyone who thinks this is a serious video is a fucking moron. It’s called humor…
I have a Minotarot deck its never been opened still brand new deck in cello. I might consider selling it if the price is right. Or I will just lock it away for another 20+ years. .Designed and self-published by Eric Provoost, the deck was issued in France in? 1982 in a limited edition of 2,000 copies. The artwork is black and white, with additional touches of brown in the Majors. The back of the deck is terra cotta with an image of a white 7-circuit labyrinth. The deck is signed and numbered
“I think my boyfriend might be gay. How can I be sure?”
Well does he shag men, you dozy cow?
I’m giving tarot cards away free!
Please see my channel.
They could be yours!
i have a question malena……ummmmmm i haveing dreams of a tarot card of a coin and few months ago i had a dream of card upside down hang man. what does its mean?
GREAT ! my question is 6 yrs ago i was conned by an exfelon who worked for a realtor company . I was very very sick my son was brutally murdered , my husband lost his will to live and died . the guy NEVER gave me my money when he sold the house. took him to court and I LOST. will i ever get justice ?
Please come back Miss Malena!!! I’ve watched your videos dozens of times now. I just love ’em.
lmao!! youre funny!
Why isn’t that man taking his dog to a vet, rather than putting his faith in someone playing with cards? If you really care about your dog, you’d take him to a vet and pay what ever price the vet gives you! Do you ask advice on your children too, before taking them to see a doctor? Honestly!
no I am saying the whole kit and kaboodle is a fraud. The idea of a certified psychic is a joke, and that all forms of divination are a huge steaming crock of shit.
Certified psychic you say?
So if I understand you correctly, you’re telling people not to believe someone who does a youtube vid, but to believe someone who is an expert on the unknowable and has all the qualifications to prove it???
As good as any “psychic”. ha ha ha I love you, Malena, and I’m shocked people don’t get it!
Get a sense of humour folks, this is obviously a joke.
lol @ don’t trust this video, not professional. that’s funny. like certified psychics.
Lol @ ur a sham, learn the tarot. ALL DIVINATION IS A FRAUD! stop falling for this crap.
Yes – Read “The Secret In The Bible” by Tony Bushby. It is said a crystal reproduction of the Capstone, and a beam of light into the top of that Capstone, will create or produce ‘Lamed’ or a Serpent of Light dancing on it’s tail (Lamed Rotating). When the shadows are cast from this rotating ‘Serpent’ dancing on it’s tail, the 22 Glyphs are the “letter’s of light” or the ‘BASIS’ of the now derived ‘Hebrew’ alphabet. Taro ‘t’ ROTA Rotation, EVOLVE, EVOLUTION, TORAh, all derived from this .
So the dog owner hasnt come back, but prettysanegirl, who has made one single vidio on Youtube confirms that “Bobbi” is her ex mate. Prettysane probably has another best mate. Malena13.
Right ho Malena. I have a freind who’s passed to “the other side”, could you ask him to get God to send me his MSM. Oh and do they sell Theakstons ale in heaven?
the way she playing tarot cards is totally WRONG!!!
Wrong! playing cards come from China and existed before the first tarot cards appeared in Italy. You should do more research on your playing card history. DO MOAR RESEARCH! RETARD!!!!!
dumbass, playing cards as you know them were formed because of tarot cards…ugh..stoopid people
Tarot cards were really meant for card games and not psychic readings!
this is the worst video
big love… pfftt wtf
dont trust this video, not proffesional at all
tarot cards don’t tell you some dogs name
wow…your a sham! Learn to read the tarot poser.
youre celf centerd..obv.
and i think those videos are made frm ur friends..
who u probably begged.
and btw, those cards are fake..
and i fink youre just fake..
sorry.. its my opinion.
is anyone agreeing ?
There are so many variations of spreads, either way that you do it its going to come out right, thsts the way it is, you can’t go wrong.