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The Kupala day is a pagan fiest of summer solstice in Slavic countries. The ancient fertility riot was accepted into the orthodox calendar. While it was associated with John the Baptist and is marked on July 7, today’s pagan worshippers in Russia celebrate the fiest in the period around mid-summer day in June.
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25 Responses to Modern slavic pagan feast

  • SlavaSvarogu says:

    Today Poland has ,,George night,, or mr.Smith hamburger day,, ha ha ha pure bastards

  • SlavaSvarogu says:

    Yes Ligo is cool ,a was drinking blind during Ligo

  • SlavaSvarogu says:

    To much nations was trying to do that with mother Russia and what??? :))))))))
    God with Russia

  • Veriser says:

    S?awa ?wiatowidowi!

  • int1901 says:

    kill em on the cross, to tech them a lesson again

  • Orkaykilij says:

    many of them have mongoloid features lol

  • EarthaKit2 says:

    Heh! On the contrary, it is christianity and other religions that are the Pagans.

    All these dcelebrations are the LEGITIMATE beliefs. We’ve been here on this Earth for countless millennia, while christianity, and judaism and islam, have been only about 3,000 years.

    As to Leaving or escaping this Reality, it is NOT this life that is Reality. This is only an Illusion.

  • VendPrekmurec says:

    Slava Perunu

  • ApolloMP says:

    In Serbia, we still have old pagan holiday named Vidovdan. We are Christians, but we still celebrate our once supreme god, Svetovid (????????) on 28. June every year.

  • vvanessss says:

    @JuniusFaction i don’t think so. slavic people never were nazists and racial. they just want to worship our Gods, get back what rome church and greek church had taken from them. freedom is the base of living in modern world

  • vvanessss says:

    we shoot flowers to the water with candles in Kupala day 🙂 and I like this fiest it’s so magic:))

  • Globox822 says:

    @Jonicsson Agree, not sure why that idiot called them shit

  • Globox822 says:

    @goldgrif WTF? Slavic nations are famous for their hospitality. If you are talking specifically about this pagan feast, if you are not Slavic you have no reason to be there. Celebrate your own holidays

  • KoskoSVK says:

    yeah , slavs are the best 🙂

  • mehdan2 says:


  • gramofonka says:

    FY jewish Russia Today

  • snpgtsfckd says:

    2:35 whoooooooz… i would like to bathe with that one 😛

  • valueoftruth says:

    people, go to his profile, and youll see whos the crazy retard haha

  • deefirst says:

    So these are the idiots that lied to everybody about their false holidays THAT BEEN SENT DOWN THRU GENERATIONS, like christmas ,easter, halloween, newyears and others ! They fucked up everyone mind and they are obvious inbred crazies!!!!

  • OzzieUc says:

    twoja stara to hipis, ty jankeski ignorancie

  • Sobanski87 says:

    maybe your family was poor and wanted to get better business contacts 😉

  • Cardan011 says:

    russian version of hiippies or new age retards

  • Ghost333999 says:

    On one of the banners it looked like Tyr’s rune.

  • THordasson says:

    Slavic women are beautiful.

  • Norn says:

    I hear you! I don’t understand why my family abandon the the faith of the Slav for Judaism…
    Life I know in Jewish faith is terrible.
    You feel guilty and fear you god all the time
    there is no female outlet…
    it’s like women are not worthy..
    I would love to get intact with my Russian Slav roots

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