Question by SqU!Rr3L: Mommy and Daddy think YOU are an INTERNET PREDATOR!!!!?
why do my parents think eveyone on the internet are all scammers and sexual predators and stuff. its so dumb. my grandparrents think the same thing. my dad tells me not to send emails to people that i dont know but i realy dont see any risk. i never give personal info so theres no way anything can happen to me, right? they hate that i use this website and they would get all pissed of when i had “runescape bfs” and i caught my dad trying to read my emails, is that illegal? whats gunna happen, a magical hand, gun, and dick come through the computer screen and rape and shoot me? im soooooooo scared!
Best answer:
Answer by Have gun, will travel.
You actually never know these days. Be glad they care enough to worry about you, many kids don’t have that kind of family.
What do you think? Answer below!
you’re ignorance about all things networked speaks volumes so i’m not even slightly surprised your parents are concerned.
simply by using a computer connected to the internet you’re giving off all kinds of personal information you’re not even aware of.
just by emailing someone you are sending your computer’s ip address to the sender, this is your unique identifier on the internet. if you have an standard installation of windows xp without a decent firewall and all the latest security updates then it is a REALLY trivial matter for someone to get into your pc.
do you not have *any* personal information on your pc? if you do then it’s all there for the taking by whomever is determined enough to want to pursue you – they’re called predators for a reason, they go after the person they want and will do anything they can to make their fantasies a reality – it’s what they specialise at.
sorry, but your parents are right and you’re wrong – the risks are real.
You would be amazed how much info I can get just from your email.When you send an email to someone it gives them a header that tells them where the email came from.It gives the IP address and with that a person that is computer savvy could easily find out where you live.Granted they may be taking it a bit far but in the end they are only looking out for you.
I wouldn’t recommend trading emails with people you don’t know either.
BTW, I could be a hatchet murderer for all you know.
It’s hard at your age to accept this … but you’re not immortal. You CAN be hurt. There are bad people in this world … people who have no qualms about your health, wellbeing, or happiness.
Yes, it’s legal that they’re checking your mail. At some point, if you don’t follow their rules, they’re probably going to turn to monitoring software or blocking utilities.
If you want to be mature enough to be given the luxury (not the right) of using the internet … then you have to be ADULT enough realize the risks and follow the rules.
By the sound of it, you’re a youngster and as a parent myself, I can understand that yours are caring and are only trying to protect you from any possible danger. The best thing you can do, is to let them see what you do on the internet.
They are right, however, in that you shouldn’t really be emailing people you don’t know. There are a lot of predators out there and some people aren’t who you think they are.
I’m not lecturing you….I’m a modern mum with a boy of 18 who has his own computer. I trust him because I know how careful he is on the computer.
Try and educate your family with the good parts of the internet.
Well, my parents are like that too. (Not as bad though). Just dont give out any personal info is all. Tell your parents how you feel. Tell them that you dont give out info about yourself. If they still dont believe you, talk to someone you trust. Get them to talk to your parents. Hope I helped.
Theyre just trying to protect you. Alot of what parents hear about the internet is the bad things and you know there are alot of bad things that happen, so it scares them. But you seem smart enough not giving out your personal info and such so good for you.But dont be pissed about it youll be the same way when you have kids.
Your father is trying to keep you safe. Not everybody is a scammer or a predator, but there are a lot out there.
Answering emails from people you don’t know is putting
you at risk for getting a virus that could turn your computer
into a 50 lb paperwieght.
Have you not read the papers or watched dateline before. Predators are out there your parents are worried about you, just like all parents worry about there kids. Play it safe and do it like you said you are don’t give out any personal info to anyone.
Well there’s all kinds of people on the Internet. Some honest and some not so honest. Some feel they can be whoever they want to be and that’s just how they make others they chat with to think they are this type of person or that type of person. Your parents care and that’s why they worry. Just keep smart as you are doing and watch what information you give out over the Internet. ;o) Hang in there cause your parents only love you ;o)
Wow you have no idea how truly naive and immature you sound. Just listen to your parents. You may not think so, but they do know best. Your parents are correct to be concerned. You don’t have enough “street” sense about you yet. I don’t mean to sound harsh but it’s true. And NO, it’s not illegal for your Dad to read your emails. He can read anything of yours he pleases. They’re your parents. they’re the reason you are here. Give them some credit would ya? I have 2 small children and just reading stuff like this from you kids makes me more and more prepared for when I have to deal with this type of thing. Big difference though, is that if you were MY kid, you wouldn’t be on here right now asking this question.
because bad things do happen to people – even with the best of intentions someone can let down their guard and reveal troo much personal information.
While, as you describe it they may be a little to paranoid and perhaps they need to tone their attitude down – there is a reason for it. You do need to heed some caution that they don’t think you are making.
It’s probably better for you to make an arrangement with your parents. Let them know you are willing to be open about what you are doing online with them. If they are willing to relax their anxiety issues.
You can even suggest that they get a parental program to keep you away from pornographic sites, etc.
Let them know that you are willing to not do what they are afraid of. But, you’d like them to relax.
(Based on what you say and not that they would – they are more than willing to email me and ask me how they can help feel secure over your use of the computer online)
i agree parents are over protective these days but in your case a sexual predator can track you down easily simply bye getting your ip address that your isp puts on anytime you are connected to the net there are many programs online that can be downloaded free of charge that can track and pin point someones exact location and your parents know this they are only trying to protect you from the perverts and idiots out in the cyber world.
Your parents are right to do what they are doing. Here are the facts:
1. Predators exist. Alot of them.
2. They use the computer to obtain their prey
3. They know just what to say and do to fool kids just like you into revealing the information they need to find you without you even realizing it. Yes, they are THAT good at it.
4. Every victim out there will tell you they were absolutely sure they were smart enough to tell the difference between a predator and an innocent new friend.
If your parents are imposing on your private life, good for them. Hopefully you will live long enough to have children and then you will understand.
but did you no they can still track you and and with time can get all the info the need
You sound like a bright, perceptive person – so I think your parents should trust you a bit more than they do. It’s about common sense and being a little bit streetwise – if you can do that, then your intuition will tell you when something doesn’t feel right.
There are huge problems with sites like Myspace – there are a lot of pedophiles on there, so be careful.
Also be very careful about YouTube – again, the pedophiles hang out there, so it’s maybe unwise to show your face in a video.
As far as threats to your computer go, downloading Instant Messaging software can be a security problem. Generally speaking, software which is constantly trying to “phone home” without your authorisation (or knowledge) is risky. A good firewall will tell you when this is happening, and you can block it easily.
So – please only run a very LIMITED range of communication types on your PC – maybe just one reputable IM for chatting to your known buddies. Install a good Firewall.
I’m a huge Linux fan – it’s a much more secure operating system than Windows, and is immune to all known viruses, malware, spyware, keyloggers etc etc. If at all possible, I would recommend getting a modest extra computer base unit (needs to be at least 1ghz processor and 256mb ram) and installing Linux on it… get a geeky friend to do it for you maybe… and use that exclusively for internet stuff – it’s like surfing in a tank, and it’s a really cool operating system.
Plus your parents will be really pleased that you’re using a very secure operating system. Also your Dad won’t be able to install any spyware on it to spy on which web sites you’ve been too, because no “parent-ware” has been written for Linux! Also your parents won’t be able to get into your Linux box because the user password system is almost unbreakable, even by pros. Win-win situation.
So… I respect your need for privacy. I remember how badly I wanted privacy when I was young (now ancient 43!). Just… please be sensible and streetwise.
Good luck,