Question by Due 4/20/2010: moms with twins help please?
ok this is kinda a long story im going to start from the way beginning ok so i had a period in june 09 it lasted 2 days i had a period in july 09 it lasted one day my normal periods are 4-6 days so i was worried went for a blood test on july 20th it was negative on the third of august i took a hpt it was slight bfp so i took another one about 20 min later slight bfp so i told my hubby i was prego and me and a friend went to the store for milk and i got bad pains in my tummy so i went to the er sure i was going to miscarry they told me i was 6 weeks from the ultrasound but my hcg levels were 164 witch are low for 6 weeks and there was no baby just a sac so i went back every 2 days to make sure levels were going up my regular doc said i was 3 weeks with levels at 164 witch are high for 3 weeks and levels kept rising so at so 5 weeks later i went for an ultrasound and they found a baby and a heart beat doc said one baby but now im 11 weeks and a few days and i know ive felt movement and my hcg levels are sky high and i just have a gut feeling also a native women said i was having twin boys after she touched my belly its up to you to believe in native ability or not she is a shaman priest and i don’t know what to think also my 3 year old son said 2 boys when i asked him if he wanted to have a brother or sister so i don’t know and im just wondering if at an 8 week ultrasound they can miss a baby ?Ive been asking a lot of ?s about twins and doing some research and i found out a baby can hide but i was wondering if some moms who have had twin had this happen
the answer im looking for is from people who have had twins lol
Best answer:
Answer by due 3/8/10 with baby #2
You’ve asked this question about 2 or 3 times now.. well good luck finding the answer you are looking for..
What do you think? Answer below!
My mom had this problem. The baby can hide but it’s not likely now a days for them to miss a baby but can happen.
At an 8 week ultrasound, the only thing they can really get is a heart beat and a blurry image of circles. It’s possible that the babies are moving at the same rythmic heartbeat and that they were identified as one.
On your next ultrasound, just kindly ask, do you think it’s possible for there to be another one in there? That all my mom did and look now! I have two new sisters
Hi, I have b/g twins who are now 10 years old.
My twins were “discovered” at an 8 week ultrasound. There is no way known one could have been missed because as soon as the probe was put on my belly two round sacs were immediately visible.