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place of connection with the greater spiritual community. There’s nothing wrong with either approach.

However, there is a level of responsibility that is arguably unfulfilled. When one’s personal spiritual pursuits yield individual impact and neglects or bypasses the conscientious responsibility of how their personal peace could impact their community or their world, the question of individual self-absorbed importance versus planetary importance remains.

For this reason, it is my belief that it is indeed my responsibility to fulfill a level of prosperity that affords me the capacity to participate and influence the greatest amount of change.

If you were to ask any of the premiere spiritual and evolutionary entrepreneurs, healers, philosophers, and social artists of our time how they feel about money and spirituality, they would agree that the more prosperous a social artist is the more impact they can facilitate.

Mother Teresa renounced her worldly possessions. However, at the same time, she knew the power of prosperity when aligned with an enlightened altruistic cause.

She attracted all the resources and financial contributions necessary to support, feed, and spiritually heal millions.

She did not do this by rejecting prosperity or by condemning those who seek it, but by unifying the Truth of her being as pure potential and therefore both spiritual and rich.

It’s true, there is a fine balance. When one pursuit or the other becomes our primary focus we are not in alignment with our greatest human potential.

Additionally, the law of reciprocity demands that we give in order to receive. There will be no harvest

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