Spells cannot receive energy or power from the Moon when she is in void of course. When you look at an almanac or a witch’s datebook/calender you will see a Moon symbol and v/c with a time after it. This means starting at that time, the Moon is void and cannot work magick. The moon must be in a zodiac sign to work. The second time you see after the second moon symbol is when She is back on, or out of void/in a zodiac again. Remember this when doing spells and magick work. Also check your calender to see if it recognizes daylight savings time and what time zone it is in. If it is in eastern time like most are and you are in central, you will need to subtract one hour from all the times, if you are in pacific time you will need to subtract two hours from each time. If it does not recognize daylight savings time you will need to add an hour to your times during the spring….remember Spring forward and Fall back.
8 Responses to Moon Magick: How To Read An Almanac and Moon in Void of Course
Spells cannot receive energy or power from the Moon when she is in void of course. When you look at an almanac or a witch’s datebook/calender you will see a Moon symbol and v/c with a time after it. This means starting at that time, the Moon is void and cannot work magick. The moon must be in a zodiac sign to work. The second time you see after the second moon symbol is when She is back on, or out of void/in a zodiac again. Remember this when doing spells and magick work. Also check your calender to see if it recognizes daylight savings time and what time zone it is in. If it is in eastern time like most are and you are in central, you will need to subtract one hour from all the times, if you are in pacific time you will need to subtract two hours from each time. If it does not recognize daylight savings time you will need to add an hour to your times during the spring….remember Spring forward and Fall back.
8 Responses to Moon Magick: How To Read An Almanac and Moon in Void of Course
i have that datebook but for 2011
Great info, hun!
loving your videos blessed be
Hi HollyDaisyRose, i have to say that i’m looking your videos for a wile now, actually i have been trying to learn more about wicca because i want to practice but for differents situations i can’t. The reason that i leave this coment is that you said that you conected with the moon and i also feel a strong conection with her, it’s like she call me every night but i just need to see the moon at least one second per day xD so i guess i’m a nocturnal like you, because all that i do is at night
HollyDaisyRose …I <3 your vids ...they are so informative!
still waiting for the link to how you created your BOS with the paper towel holder).
oh ...and me too, the strong connection to the moon since early childhood on...:-)
Aww lol never noticed your “Um”s, I think you get a lot of information across clearly, and I love all of your videos.
Where did your bath salts making video go, btw? Hope you’re having a wonderful evening, Blessed Be! xoxo
Very interesting stuff. It seems that every time I watch one of your vids, I find that there is so much more for me to learn. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. “smiles”
Very informative! Thanks for this
i have that datebook but for 2011
Great info, hun!
loving your videos blessed be
Hi HollyDaisyRose, i have to say that i’m looking your videos for a wile now, actually i have been trying to learn more about wicca because i want to practice but for differents situations i can’t. The reason that i leave this coment is that you said that you conected with the moon and i also feel a strong conection with her, it’s like she call me every night but i just need to see the moon at least one second per day xD so i guess i’m a nocturnal like you, because all that i do is at night
HollyDaisyRose …I <3 your vids ...they are so informative!
still waiting for the link to how you created your BOS with the paper towel holder).
oh ...and me too, the strong connection to the moon since early childhood on...:-)
Aww lol never noticed your “Um”s, I think you get a lot of information across clearly, and I love all of your videos.
Where did your bath salts making video go, btw? Hope you’re having a wonderful evening, Blessed Be! xoxo
Very interesting stuff. It seems that every time I watch one of your vids, I find that there is so much more for me to learn. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. “smiles”
Very informative! Thanks for this